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"And he left you without a word?" Hailey was about to have an outburst of anger.

I feared, her head might explode because it was so red.

I nodded silently.

"What. An. Asshole." She emphasized.

I shrugged my shoulders. Yoongi didn't texted yet, but I tried to persuade myself that was because he still had lecture.

But it was like 7pm already and as far as I can say, he had left early this morning.

"Don't text him first. I swear, Y/N, if you do this, I'll...I don't know yet but something will happen to you." Hailey threatened me but she couldn't stay serious herself.

Days went by and Yoongi didn't think about getting in touch with again anytime soon.

I was missing him desperately. Not only from the physical aspect but I also missed talking to him or just seeing him. I was immensely moody. It amazed me how his presence effected my mood that much already.

"Fast attraction. It'll fade soon again." Hailey only commented my behaviour trying to analyze the whole situation.

After two full weeks Yoongi decided to text me:

picking you up in 10, wear something comfortable

I was in full study mode. Three tests were announced for me the next week, which I needed a lot of repetition for. It was a tuesday evening, my classes started at 8am the next day and at 11am I had my first exam.

I couldn't stop studying just now, especially not for Min Yoongi who didn't seem to think of me for two weeks straight.

i can't, gotta study, maybe another time I texted back switching my phone off, so he won't bug me further.

I tried to concentrate on my notes, spoke them out loudly to get them into my head easier but my mind always wandered back to Yoongi. Frustrated, I threw my flashcards aside.

Just when I went to get myself some Sprite, the doorbell rang.

Hailey was out at work, so I was alone in the dorm.

"Please don't tell me, it's Yoongi." I mumbled to myself.

Sighing I went to open the door, revealing in fact Min Yoongi, who nonchalantly was leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey, babe." He greeted me.

"Don't 'babe' at me." I said sternly, folding my arms against my chest.

He looked at me in confusion.

"Can I come in?" He asked but I shook my head. "You didn't pick up the phone after I texted you."

"Yeah, because I have to study and my phone is a distraction." I explained in annoyance.

"Can't you take a break? I want to take you out."

I narrowed my eyes at him. He was dressed in all black, his blonde hair looking disheveled but fashionable.

"You can't just give me the hardest orgasm ever and treat me like shit afterwards. I haven't heard from you in two weeks! Fourteen days! And that night you acted like I wasn't even there! You didn't come to bed like you said you would and in the morning Jin and Taehyung told me you went to class early!"

Yoongi didn't say anything. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you know what this is? A dickhead move!" I exclaimed.

Now Yoongi was the one to narrow his eyes.

"I'm not apologizing, if this is what you're expecting." He then said.

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