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I woke up with a pounding head the next day. Groaning, I shut off my blaring phone. Within two minutes, I came to the conclusion to skip today's lectures.

I was tired and hungover and Hailey didn't have any lectures at all, only work in the evening, which meant we could have a nice girls' day, where I'd tell her everything about last night's events.

Sleepily, I got up and padded into the bathroom to freshen up a bit and to use the bathroom.

After that, I went to the kitchen, where Hailey already welcomed me with a big mug of hot coffee.

"Morning sleepy head." She said kissing my forehead.

I only mumbled something incoherently while sipping my coffee, though it was still too hot.

"I guess, you're skipping today?" She assumed. I nodded. "Great!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands together in excitement. She was a full on morning person. Well, she was a whole day person. It didn't matter, what time she woke up, she was always cheery and energetic. I, on the other hand, had a hard time waking up in the morning. I was grumpy, if I didn't had the time to wake up in the right way and it made me moody for the whole day.

"Cornflakes, waffles, pancakes or scrambled eggs?" Hailey asked opening our fridge.

I shrugged. "Anything that's edible." I mumbled leaning against the counter taking another sip of my coffee.

"What about I make a full on breakfast and you plopp down on the couch and watch some TV? So you can wake up slowly and peacefully." She suggested taking out a bottle with prefabricated dough for pancakes and waffles.

Nodding I went over to the living room, switching on the TV.

After a while, I got up again to bring my empty mug into the kitchen. Hailey smiled brightly at me while making scrambled eggs and bacon. I went to my room to get my phone, which was blinking in the left corner of its display, meaning I got a message.

My heart rate increased. I didn't expect Yoongi to text me so soon but as I switched my phone on, disappointment settled in. It was just some girl from my history lecture asking if I'd come to lecture today.

I answered her shortly and switched to Yoongi's contact. Should I message him? Wouldn't that be too clingy? And as far as I remembered he'd told me, he would message me. Maybe he was still asleep.

Sighing, I put my phone back onto my nightstand and went again tino the living room, where Hailey had set our low coffee table to eat.

"Breakfast is done!" She chirped bringing two plates with steaming food on them into the room.

We ate in silence. She knew, I'd talk when I was ready. That's what I liked about Hailey.

"Min Yoongi chose me." I then finally started after I had eaten up my eggs and bacon.

Hailey raised her eyebrows. "Wow, that's unexpected. Does he even talk?"

I smiled at her. "In fact, he is...I don't know, he's just got that Something." I tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" Hailey asked.

I took a bite of a waffle. "At first, he didn't talk to me at all. Then he started teasing me and even made some sexual innuendos. And then after that whole thing, he walked me home and called me 'baby' and 'his girl'."

"And made those pretty love bites on your neck?" Hailey said with a smug grin.

Blushing I placed a hand on my neck, feeling the sore skin.

"No." I whispered, "Hoseok did that in a game."

"What?" Hailey exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah. I thought he or Jimin would choose me. We had a connection, you know? We talked and had fun but Yoongi...he didn't make any effort into talking to me, yet here we are."

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