Why me?;14

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Why does it have to be me?
The one where bad luck will always following.
The one who has to get out of bed everyday
Just to get the same torture in the same way.

Why do you always think that what I'm going through is just a phase?
It's funny, except for the fact that I'm in between life and death having a race.

Depression sucks, it really does
It's like not knowing if my friends are actually foes.
I try to be selfish, I try to fight back
But karma and bad luck always hits me like a truck in a sack.

Yes, I know. I'm an untalented author
And yes I know that I'm just wasting space.
Yes I know that I deserve the torture, but why does it feel like I'm all alone?

I feel so empty, right not my words don't even ryhme.
But I would always welcome death in my life, because my life itslef feels like a crime.

Why me, why do I have to feel so much pain at such a young age?
My delusional self is a prisoner and my mind's the cage.
Why can you see that I'm suffering, Why can you see?
Why do you laugh at me while I'm crying, why me?

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