At Wang Jiexi's House

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Wang Jiexi went up to the door and rang the bell. A few seconds later a girl opened the door. She was a bit younger than Tang Rou probably and on seeing the crowd outside she immediately asked Wang Jiexi a question in a dull voice.


The girl took the bag from him and went into the house. Wang Jiexi looked back and saw the two girls looking at him curiously.

"Oh... " he said awkwardly "My sister, Wang Jielin."

"Of course... " Said Ye Xiu "It's a bit too late for you to have a girlfriend."

Wang Jiexi sighed and wondered if he had made the right decision. But since he had already announced the guests he had no choice but to let them in.

Ye Xiu's and Tang Rou's eyes immediately fell on the two computers at the side. But even they had enough decency to not jump right at it.

"Do you live here?" Asked Guo Guo.

It was really a charming house- Well arranged and neat but it also felt very comfortable.

She was surprised when Ye Xiu answered her question though.
"No... Probably a vacation retreat. Right?"

"Something like that..."

Wang Jiexi replied vaguely as he motioned for them to sit down. At this time his sister came back and put a tray with some drinks on the table. Now that everyone knew who she was they observed her a bit more closely.

Not a Glory player... or atleast hasn't played for some time.

This was the only assessment Ye Xiu could make. But the girls were a bit more comprehensive in their evaluation.

Wang Jielin had shoulder length hair the same colour as her brother. Her eyes were the same colour too but they didn't have any unique features like her brother's.

Her face was rather emotionless though. Her voice was quite dull and subdued too. In short she lacked any of the vigor or even the sarcastic sense of humour that Wang Jiexi had.

She went back to the kitchen immediately leaving the other four to make idle conversation. But she surprised them with the lunch though!

It had all been prepared at such short notice but it was delicious! Guo Guo expressed her compliments but was surprised by her lack-lustre response.


Guo Guo wondered if maybe the girl was mad at the sudden intrusion from the guests and was about to apologise when she caught Wang Jiexi's eye.

He shrugged as if to indicate that this was normal and that she shouldn't bother with it.

The two pros talked shop over lunch but Tang Rou could perceive that Wang Jiexi was acting differently.

He didn't actively participate in the conversation though it was all about matters he had clear understanding on. He seemed to he content with letting Ye Xiu talk which seemed quite rare.

Ye Xiu might have observed this strange behaviour too but he didn't let on and continued their half-hearted conversation.

Tang Rou was seated next to Wang Jielin and decide to strike up a conversation with her.

"Do you play Glory?"

The reply was quite definite. Guo Guo was shocked by this response because she had naturally expected the younger sibling of such a God to also be a player but then again she knew how Glory was not everyone's cup of tea.

"Do you have any friends here?"

Guo Guo took initiative now seeing how Tang Rou's first question had backfired.

"No... it's just me and my brother. He needs rest so we come here to be away from the crowds."

This time her response was longer and Guo Guo felt elated. As long as they talked about anything unrelated to Glory she seemed perfectly fine!

Suddenly Ye Xiu turned to the girl.

"I couldn't help overhearing but it's not possible for you to have never played Glory right? Not with your brother being so famous! Have you ever even seen a game?:

Guo Guo felt like strangling him especially since it looked like it had ruined all their progress and made her go back to single word replies.


"Oh! Which class have you tried?" Asked Ye Xiu nonchalantly.

Wang Jielin stood up quietly.
"I should get dessert."

She ignored everyone's looks and walked out. Guo Guo was fuming and even Tang Rou was a bit surprised by Ye Xiu's attitude.

Ye Xiu looked at Wang Jiexi and raised an eyebrow. He could sense a story in his silence.

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