Sad Violet

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The three players turned to Wang Jielin in surprise since they had actually forgotten her presence.

"Are you talking to us?" Asked Guo Guo.
"Yes. Why aren't you using it?"

Ye Xiu was silent for a minute before he spoke again.

"Why does this sword matter?"

"Because you can only kill the monster if you use the sword."


Guo Guo couldn't hold her surprise like the other two. But she noticed how even Ye Xiu seemed surprised by her words.

"It was in the plot."

"Can you please explain?" Asked Ye Xiu.

"According to the story the monster can only be killed by the Timber Sword made from the last something or the other. It would have dropped in one of the quests or battles. It's in the event description. You can read it online."

Ye Xiu and Tang Rou immediately opened their inventory to check. Tang Rou finally found the sword.

"If I use this, I can kill it?"


Tang Rou was preparing to try again when she noticed Ye Xiu still slumped in front of his computer.

"Aren't you going to do it?"

"I sold it."

After a moment of shocked silence Guo Guo broke it with her screaming.


"How was I supposed to know? He replied sullenly."

"It's ok... " Said Tang Rou "I can give you the weapon after I use it to finish the quest."

"You can't."

It was again Wang Jielin who responded. Before Tang Rou could ask her anything she continued.

"After killing the monster the weapon is destroyed. Though the weapon is like any normal item and can be sold and transferred,  once used it will disappear from the inventory."

There was silence again. Guo Guo was shocked by the detailed explanation she had just offered. It was true that none of them had read the plot but it was surprising that someone who didn't like Glory seemed to know quite a lot about it.

"What do we do?" Asked Tang Rou.

"It's fine..." Said Ye Xiu "It was my mistake as Boss said. You can play."


Guo Guo felt bad hearing this. She had started browsing the Internet to check how the sword dropped. It was not in battle but in a search quest.

Guo Guo knew that if she quit her present route it would take ages for her to get back to this point since the entire bonus quest had a new location which was very confusing to traverse.

But the quest for the sword was a beginner quest which she could complete easily within 20 minutes. She could give that sword to Ye Xiu to use. She was about to suggest this idea when Ye Xiu spoke.

"Do you have an account?"

The question was directed at Wang Jielin.


"Since you are not playing, can I log into your account and use your sword?"

Truly shameless!!!

Guo Guo was about to say this, but she held it back. Her silence was partly because of the fact that Ye Xiu was right and partly because she was feeling quite curious about the girl's reaction to this.

Wang Jielin didn't respond. Ye Xiu repeated the question again and added that if she didn't trust him, she could do it herself. Wang Jielin sighed and went to her room.

She returned after a while with an account card. Ye Xiu's experienced eyes noticed how it was an old account card which implied she had probably started playing around the same time as her brother.

Tang Rou moved aside so that she could log in. Even she was feeling curious about the girl's behaviour now. After Wang Jielin logged in she immediately controlled her character towards the event start point which was an NPC who gave out quests.

The other three watched her in silence. They were all rather surprised by her character.

The name of her character was Sad Violet and it cut quite a sorry figure too. The equipment was lack lustre and Ye Xiu noticed how Wang Jielin's movements were quite stiff and clumsy as if she wasn't used to playing at all. Finally Sad Violet got the Timber Sword.

"Meet me at these coordinates..."

Wang Jielin followed Ye Xiu's instruction and met Lord Grim for the exchange. When she opened her inventory he noticed that it was practically empty except for a sharpshooter's rifle.

"You play a Sharpshooter?"


"Can I see your skill tree?"

The two girls waited curiously for her response. They were quite used to Ye Xiu's shamelessness by now.


Ye Xiu's experienced eyes could again pick out the distinctive features of her skill tree. It was a Sharpshooter equivalent of the Magician's skill distribution. Just like Wang Jiexi, her skills points were distributed in strange ways.

"Log off after you are done."

Wang Jielin stood up after that and returned to her magazine. Ye Xiu turned back to his own system and started playing. Tang Rou finally logged off and switched back to her account.

But she noticed something interesting before she logged off. She accidentally opened Sad Violet's equipment editor and saw a few incomplete plans for a Silver Weapon.

But since it was not proper for her to look into those, she immediately exited the editor and switched accounts.

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