Stories from the Past

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The cat that was outside seemed delighted to see Wang Jiexi at this time of the night and immediately jumped into his hands.

"What did you want to tell me?" Asked Tang Rou bluntly.

"Nothing really.... I just didn't want you to interrupt them."


"No reason to stop them from talking right?"

"Or is it because you want your sister to play again?"

"You are persistent aren't you?"

"Of course. It's what drives me forward."

Wang Jiexi gave her a wry smile.

"Yes... I have noticed that..."

Tang Rou felt a bit embarrassed then and looked away. She knew it wasn't any of her business but she was curious.

Wang Jielin seemed extremely inexperienced when she had used her card before and she hated Glory but Wang Jiexi seemed to think Ye Xiu could convince her to play... it didn't make any sense to her...

"My sister isn't bad you know."

"She's nice... she was quite friendly when we went shopping today."

"I meant at Glory."

Tang Rou looked at him in surprise.
Wang Jiexi was absent-mindedly stroking the cat now.

"We used to play together back then... our Parent's didn't like us playing so much so we had to do it in secret.
Also they were rather strict on her....
I always thought she hated that I became a professional Gamer and that's why she hated Glory....
I never imagined that it was over that weapon..."

"What Weapon?"

"Morning Glory... a Silver Weapon we designed. It dropped in a fight. She was depressed over it but I didn't realise it meant that much to her!"

"Couldn't you get it back?"

"No... it was a wild skirmish....It would have been impossible to track it down. Also... she shouldn't have died.... we got distracted... our Parent's caught us playing and well...."

Tang Rou didn't know what to say. It was hard to imagine the Magician as a young kid scared of his parents catching him playing Glory. 

Ye Xiu looked at Wang Jielin patiently.

"What?!" She asked looking a bit nervous.

"Give me an answer."

"I- I hate Glory."

"Are you sure?"

There was a second of silence.



"I want to play."

"Then you can."

"I can't.... I'm no good..."

"We will see about that. Let me just finish this."

"You can't possibly finish it without the necessary materials!"

Wang Jielin jumped up and stood next to him.

"Want to bet?" Asked Ye Xiu with a grin.

Her silence was good enough for Ye Xiu. As he started on the final part he laughed.

"What now?!"

"Nothing... just that you lost your weapon and you quit Glory. I lost my character, my team.... everything that I had as Ye Qiu and do you know something I will never stop playing even if they take it all away again."

"Don't you... ever get tired? Of all these people who don't care?"

Ye Xiu turned and smiled at her.

"As long as there are people who care; like you and others...  people who care like me will always have people to play with it.... Also I can play Glory for ten more years and still not be tired of it...."

Ye Xiu turned back to the screen and clicked the final component into place. He quickly saved and closed the editor to check out the weapon.

"So can I."

Ye Xiu looked at Wang Jielin.

"What did you say?"

"I- I can too. Play and never get bored... even if I'm not as good as you. You are right. I don't hate Glory. I'm just scared of losing again."

"I don't think you can be that bad. You are Big-eyed Wang's sister! He almost beat me today. Shall we duel?"

"My account doesn't have any equipment."

"It does now."

Morning Glory

Bonuses included increased range and an increase in critical rate depending on base critical rate of the character.


"I told you it wasn't impossible. I had a friend once who was a genius at equipment design. I'm not good as him but I picked up a few tricks and so I knew that I could reconstruct it without the special materials."

"I... Can I?"

Ye Xiu moved aside and let her see it. She checked it's stats and sat back in her chair.

"I... Thank you."

"You are welcome. You owe me."

"Wha- WHAT?!!"

"With a duel. Shall we?"

Ye Xiu put out the cigarette he was smoking and looked at the girl.

"And before you say you have no other equipment, go check your character. There's some stuff in the inventory and I can wait for you to buy the rest. So hurry up."


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