Chapter 35

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A few days later

My stylist spins me around in the chair, and I almost don't want to open my eyes.


Oh. Oh? Oh...

It's not that bad. It could be worse.

"Well?" She stands next to me, placing a hand on her heavily pregnant hip. (Yes, everyone around me is pregnant and reminding me of how old I'm actually getting) "How do you like it?"

"I do like it," I hesitate, "It will take some getting used to. But I've been a blonde my entire life so that's to be expected. Thanks, Liles."


Stephanie McMahon, you just made the list. Never has Katherine Grant been less than a blonde for, entire life. It doesn't look horrible, I'll give her that. But her whole vision is for me to look good on screen. With Seth. I thought we looked pretty good together off-screen, for a few years, as a blonde? Whatever.

No going back now.

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I get into my car.

From Lexi: you still up for tonight? no one I'd rather get drunk until midnight with ♥

I don't have the heart to tell her that Ace insisted on coming to the bar with me. They're still on EXTREMELY bad terms, but he will not let me go anywhere where there is a combination of men and booze alone.

To Lexi: yes! i'm heading home to get ready rn, i'll text you when i'm leaving ♥♥♥

She's gonna be pissed.


"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Lexi half-whispers, half-screeches into my ear as my brother and Carlos step into the bar. I should probably just play dumb. "Of all the clubs in Orlando, and he shows up here on New Years Eve?!"


Aiden makes eye contact with me and heads to the bar, thankfully Lexi doesn't notice and keeps dancing. I can see her eyes searching for the nearest guy to grind on, so I step off the floor and walk over to where my brother is.

"You didn't tell me Alexis was gonna be here." He says, calmly. He's over her, one hundred percent.

Okay, more like ninety-five percent. Because there's a lump in his throat, and his eyes are glued to the guy she's dancing with.

"Keep an eye on her. I need some fresh air." I whisper to Carlos, making sure my brother doesn't hear. He nods.

I lean against the cold brick wall outside of the club and play with my nails, unsure of why I really wanted to step out. I really just don't want to deal with the awkward tension between Alexis and my brother.

Ring, ring.

Who is calling me at 11PM?

Ring, ring.

I pull my phone at, hardly looking at who is calling, and press answer.


"Hey, it's Rami. You busy?"


He ended up inviting me to the Performance Center. Apparently there was a huge countdown party that our coworkers throw every year for New Years, which I was completely unaware of. I needed an excuse to escape, anyway, and managed to do so without getting a single text from Aiden so far.

There are a LOT of faces here. Many I don't actually recognize, but there's quite a few people from the main roster, too. Which makes me nervous.

Thank GOD, no Colby. Although, I do spot Dean Ambrose and his girlfriend. Which is cool, I've never actually met the guy before. Colby and I broke up before the whole Shield thing.

"You're right on time, ten minute countdown's about to start!" Rami snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me to the TV. I can smell alcohol on his breath. Strong. He doesn't seem too drunk, though.

I still haven't read the note he supposedly put in that picture frame yet. Haven't had the time.

"Heyyyy, you look familiar-" A deep voice whispers in my ear. I turn around and see...Fandango? What the hell? I've never met him.

"Oh, that's weir-"

"You were Colby's girl a while back, right? Johnny." He reaches his hand out. "Or, Fandango, if we're talkin' business."

I hesitate, but shake his hand. "Katherine."

"Pretty name. So," He looks over at Rami, who's now drifting to the crowd of people right in front of the TV. "You wanna talk business?" He asks, still whispering in my ear.

What the hell is this guy-


He just put a hand on my ass.

This guy is asking to get hit.

"Do not."

"What?" He pulls away, looking offended. "I thought you-"

"Yeah? Well you thought. Piss off."

I start to walk away, but feel a strong grip on my wrist.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" His voice is louder, and people are starting to stare.

"I'm about to be the one kicking your fucking ass if you make a scene and continue this death grip on my wrist, buddy. I said, piss off."

His hand retreats, and I pull my car keys out of my purse and start to head toward the door.

The ten-second countdown starts, but I just want to go home.

"Hey! Kitty! Where you going?" Rami catches up behind me.

"I'm sorry, I should really get home. Thanks for inviting me, but-"

"7! 6! 5! 4!" The crowd chants.

Rami's face starts inching toward mine, and I already know what's going to happen.

"3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!"


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