【Chapter 7】

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"Are you curious, Izuku Midorya...about that boy Bakugou Katsuki?" Kurogiri asked, looking at Izuku holding an old picture of him and Bakugou as kids.

The door opened with a voice saying, "Shigaraki." They turned to see Giran, another villain that mostly gives them information or recruits. "You all have been the talk of the town for the past few days. I hear you're starting something big-"

"And? Who are they?" Shigiraki interrupted, impatient. Giran chuckled and stepped away from the door two enter two people, A blonde female and a black haired male with purple scars mostly over his body.

"I saw a picture of you, but you look gross in person..." The man with purple scars rudely commented. The blonde haired girl got excited and riled up saying, "Wow, the hand guy! And.." Her eyes trailed over to Izuku, startling him a little. She blushed and ran over to him and embraced him in a hug. "You! You're just the cutest thing. What's your nameee~?" She taunted. Izuku felt a little uneasy that a girl was putting her body on him, so he pushed her away gently. That didn't stop her, though.

"You know Mister Stain. Right? Right?!" The girl yelled in glee. "Let me join, too! The League of Villains!"

"Kurogiri, get rid of these guys," Shigiraki complained. "Everything I hate came together in one set. A brat." He pointed to the blonde haired girl who was grooming Izuku's hair gently, and Izuku was too embarrassed to do anything. "And a rude guy." He pointed to the purple scar man.

"Now, now. These two traveled all this way to visit, so let's at least hear them out, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri suggested, calming Shigiraki down a bit. "Besides, he brought them. They're bound to be valuable assets."

"I don't care what you do with them, but make sure I get my commission, Kurogiri," Giran commented, smoking a cigarette. "That girl that's grooming Izuku. Her name and face were kept tightly under wraps by the media, but she's on the run as the suspect in series of deaths by blood loss."

"I'm Toga! Toga Himiko!" Toga said happily as she still hugged Izuku. "It's hard to live! I want the world to become a peaceful place to live! I want to become Mr. Stain! I want to kill Mr. Stain! So let me join the League of Villains, Tomura!"

"I don't get her. Is she crazy?" Shigiraki said bluntly, trying not to laugh at Izuku's outcome.

"She can hold a conversation for the most part. I'm sure she'll be of use." Giran commented, huffing an air puff from his cigarette. "Next, this guy over here. He hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he holds fast to the hero killer's ideology."

"I'm uneasy about this." The purple scar man said, eyeing down Shigiraki. "Does this place even have a cause? Don't tell me you're going to let this crazy woman in. You guys can't even control her with him." He pointed to Izuku's dismay.

"Hey, you. You can't even do what that crazy high school girl was able to do. Give me your name first." Shigiraki also eyed him down.

"I currently go by Dabi." Dabi responded.

"That's not what I want to know. What's your real name?" Shigiraki snapped.

"I'll tell you when it's time. Anyway, I will carry out the will of the hero killer."

"That wasn't even necessary to say. Jeez, everyone's so hung about Stain. Stain. Stain. I don't like it." Shigiraki stood from his chair, scratching his neck furiously.

"You mustn't, Shigiraki!" Kurogiri prepared.

"Shigiraki, calm down!" He said, finally pushing Toga off.

"I don't feel safe." Shigiraki's murderous eyes looked at Dabi and Toga, warning them for the attack. Toga took out her knife in defense and Dabi went and reached his hand out towards him, ashes and smoke coming out. Izuku stood, not being able to do anything. Kurogiri reacted at the right time and warped everyone's attack away from each other.

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