Chapter 5

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Sam's P.O.V


My eyes widen at the person in front of me. He still has his dirty blond hair but he is now much taller and more buff than before. He is in great shape and! God what am I doing I'm a fat mess he isn't going to want me anymore. "Hi." Is all I say before I walk past him and into my old house. Once I walk in I see Rebecca looking around and there's something that stands out like a sore thumb on her. She's got a ring on her left hand. Oh that and she's pregnant AGAIN! "Oh My God Sam!" She runs and hugs me but I stay stiff I feel tears running down my cheeks as I think about all those girls who hated on me through my life. "Hey are you okay?" She asks me but I shake my head "can you hold her Becca ?" I ask and she nods and grabs Madi. I tell Rebecca my daughters name and walk upstairs. I collapse on mine and Jason's old bed as I continue to think. "You are never gonna be happy for long if you look like that!"

"Sam you are Matt's experiment he doesn't love you."

"Anyone who gets with you only wants to try you out. Your a one and done!"

"God why am I such a fu&k up?!" I scream and lunge off the bed. All Andrea and Arden took where my furniture and the put my clothes in totes. I took my old suitcase and backpack and got packing. A bunch of my clothes and Madison's in the suitcase and in the backpack was all our information in case something happened. But let me tell you I wasn't packing to go to L.A. I carefully wrote a note and went downstairs to grab my baby who was already sitting on the couch. "Matt and Becca just left" I hear from the kitchen and see Jason. Grabbing Madi was so hard when your crying. She seemed like a thousand pounds. I went back up to the room and grabbed all my stuff. I carefully put bottles and diapers plus a bunch of formula packets in the bag as well. And I climbed slowly out of the window. Once I was in the back yard I ran. I ran straight to the back street and hauled a cab. He looked at my tear stained face and asked where I was going. "The airport" I said and we were off. The next thing I remember was buying me and Madi tickets to Tornoto,Canada. I texted Jenn and the girls one last time.

[Jenn 😘 Andwea! 😍 Arden 💕 Lauren 😚❤️:

Guys go back to Cali. I'm not going. I'm not in Virginia anymore by the time you get this. I'm sorry for wasting your time but everything got to me and I ran off. It doesn't matter where I'm at but what matters is that I'm not coming back. I love you'd guys like your my real sisters. 😔 Bye xx Samantha and Madison]

As I locked my phone and put it on airplane mode I cried silent tears looking at the baby that lay in my hands and thinking my life over and over again!

A/N: So I know this is a really weird turn but I called this story finding him so she could find her way back after this leaving to Canada thing so bear with me. But I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know if you did by commenting or leaving a vote! Thanks guys I love you!! 💕

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