Chapter 11

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Sam's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning laying next to a small velvet box and letter. I open it.


Sam I love you with everything I have! You mean the absolute world to me!! I hope you understand that when I say I'm leaving and taking Madison with me. It's not because of you but it's because she wants me an I love her. I'm sorry... We had unprotected s&x last night so I know you'll be pregnant again so don't worry. You will have someone there for you in 9 months! Goodbye...


Reading that I honestly couldn't believe. And in the box was our engagement rings. He left his and left with Madison. What's can I do?? I can't call the cops because he is her father. I can't call him cause he won't answer. But as I look down at my stomach and think there may be a small baby in there once again. It just fills me with hope. I am taken from my thoughts by a knock at the door. I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk towards it. It opens and I see Matt and his son Jackson. "Hey what's wrong??" He asks and I just shake my head. He comes in and sets Jackson on the couch next to us. "Please tell me what happened Sam." I nod and spill everything I have ever held inside. He just looks down and I immediately freak out. Did I tell him I love him still?! He grabs me and hugs me tight. "I still love you too Sam. It's just rn I have Becca but if you want and need me. I will be here to help you with that baby he left you with. I nod and wipe my eyes. It seems like old times after that. He said Becca went to LA for the weekend and so he was gonna come with Jason but instead he came over to me. We sat almost all night just catching up and watching movies! "See you later Sam!! Text me I still have the same number!!" He says with a wink. Of course he does I think and smirk. The last four digits of it were my birth year. I watch as he pulls out of my drive way and I'm left alone.

Utterly and completely ALONE

A/N: I hope you guys liked it! In sorry I haven't updated!! It's just I haven't had a bunch of time recently! But don't worry I will start putting time for it!! I love you guys!! 💕

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