Chapter 16

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Sam's P.O.V

The whole night we just sat talking and checking on Jackson and Madi considering they were in a complete other room. I was currently twirling and examining Rebecca's engagement ring and slipped it on my finger. A loose fit. "Do you think we will ever be married?" I asked Matt and he nodded. "Yes but not with Rebecca's ring. She bought it by herself with my money and said since she was gonna have Jackson we needed this." And with that he took the ring off my finger and slipped it in his pocket

I couldn't help but shake my head at her actions. Just because me and Jason were having Madi didn't mean we got married or engaged. "Samantha Rain I have loved you for so freaking long and for the longest time I thought you hated me.-" I cut him off my placing my lips on his. Yes for a time I did dislike him. I could never hate the love of my life. But right now our lives barely starting to mold together again felt right. It felt amazing to know I actually found the real Matt. I actually found him.

A/N: Guys...I hate to say it but this is the end of the book... I will right and epilogue about what happens after but she and Matt are finally happily together with now problems and that's where I wanted the book to end. So yes this is the last official chapter. I hope you guys loved the book and that you guys for all the votes,reads,and comments! I love you all so very freaking much!! Once again thank you guys for joining me on this journey through everything! From My life as Aaron Carpenters sister to Everything Has Changed and finally were here! Thanks a million guys!! Please leave a comment if I should right other books. Not continuing on this series but like books about other characters! Okay I'm crying now so I have to go thanks again and I love you guys!! 😘😘😘

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