Chapter 15

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Sam's P.O.V

The rest of the day I spent happily playing with Madi and Matt. He is a great father figure for her and I'm sad that he's not her dad. After about an hour Madi fell asleep and Matt and I were kissing on the couch. All of a sudden we were pulled apart and I was slapped across the face. I stood up to whoever it was an I seen Rebecca with teary eyes and Jackson in her arms. "I guess I should have seen this coming... You took back what was rightfully yours." She said and handed Jackson to Matt. She looked at us and slid her ring off her finger and handed it to me. "Here you need it more than I do." She looked at Matt with tears pouring down her face and walked out of the house. I felt horrible but happy at the same time.  I finally had Matt all to me. After all this confusion and lost love. I finally made him mine again!

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Leave a vote or comment if you did! I love you guys! And I know its short so sorry!!

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