1..2..3.. ACTION!

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A/N : I didn't know what to use for the chapter covers lol and I'm not really sure what Juvia calls Mira and Natsu so I'll just go with the story! :)

Juvia POV

I found myself waking up earlier than I normally would. Suddenly, memories of yesterday flashed in my mind. Oh right. Natsu-Kun and Mira-san... i groggily got up and spent a good 5 minutes looking in the mirror. My hair was a mess! I had dark circles under my eyes and my breath stinks! I have to get ready immediately!

Natsu POV

"Natsu! Wake up! I want fish," Happy exclaimed while bouncing on top of me.

I groaned before getting up and holding the exceed.

"Alright alright, let me get ready first," I yawned.

"Can we go to Lucy's place afterwards? Her house is much cleaner!"

It hit me. Lucy. The thought of her made me want to bury myself and never face reality. I hope Mira's plan actually works.

Mira POV

I spied on Lucy and Gray the whole morning. They were eating breakfast and chattering for 2h now, with Erza enjoying her strawberry cake and joining in the conversation once in a while. What are they up to?

The guild door opened revealing just the two wizard and mage I wanted to see. I smiled and waved to them. Juvia quickly ran towards me while Natsu took his time.

"Ready?" I asked with a spark of fire in my eyes.

"But what do we do?" They said unison.

They did it again. But they acted like it was normal.

"Go on a job together! Plus, you can learn more about each other that way," I suggested.

Natsu looked at Juvia before smiling.

"Sure, why not," He said before running to the job board with Juvia following him from the back.

"Kinana! I'll be taking a day off today. Can you cover for me?"

"Hai Mira-san,"

I quickly joined Natsu and Juvia who couldn't settle on a compromise about the job.

"Juvia doesn't want to go in a swamp to fight a frog!"

"Well delivering a package is so heckin boring!"

"Guys! They can't see you two arguing. You're the best of friends from now onwards," I scolded.

Natsu said a 'hmph' and Juvia rubbed the back of her neck.

"How about this! Save a town from a gang of bandits," I pointed out.

"Hey Flame brain!"

Juvia, Natsu and I froze on the spot.

"Act cool and cold," I whispered so only Juvia and Natsu can hear.

They nod their head slightly in response.

"Wadya want naked popsicle," Natsu responded while turning around and folding his arms.

"Team Natsu is about to go for job," Lucy said.

"No thank you. You didn't need me yesterday so why would you need me today?" Natsu spat.

Aye! That's the way Natsu.

"W-woah," I heard Lucy stammered. She must be taken back by the new Natsu.

"How about you Juvia?" Gray asked.

I looked at Juvia and saw that she was trying her best to control her "Gray's number 1 fangirl" self from coming out. I held her hand.

She smiled a little so I let go of her hand and she turned around to face Gray. She folded her arms just like Natsu.

"Oh? When did Gray-san ever wanted to go for a job with Juvia?" Juvia hissed.

I turned my head slightly and saw Gray looking abit shock. I giggled to myself. Get a taste of your own coldness.

"We were going for a job ourselves anyways," Natsu added while grabbing the job paper and storming off with Juvia.

I turned around and saw everyone's speechless faces.

"Mira. What did you do?" Erza asked me sternly.

I gave them my classic sweet smile and shrugged my shoulders. I began skipping to where Natsu and Juvia went to.

Lucy POV

That didn't sound like Natsu at all.. I was speechless. I looked at Gray to see him just as shock as I am.

"Somethings up," Erza said.

Yeah something is up. And I don't like it.

Project : jealousy [A NaLu and GrUvia story] ✔Where stories live. Discover now