This means war

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Juvia POV

It felt awesome to go on a mission with those 2. Might actually consider forming an actual team. The moment we entered the guild, I saw something horrible. Like it came straight from a nightmare.

"Lucy Heartfilia, will you go on a date with me?" Gray asked while holding Lucy's hand.

Lucy cupped her cheek with one of her hands and blushed intensely.

"YES!" She bellowed before she gave him a tight hug. The whole guild bursted into joy.

She's hugging MY Gray. I felt tears welling in my eyes. I can't do this. Suddenly, I felt warm fingers interlocked with mine. I look to my right and saw Natsu-Kun with a face full of hurt.

"N-Natsu-Kun," I stuttered.

"Stand strong Juvs," He said, trying to keep a straight face.

He called me Juvs face felt so warm and flushed. I kept on staring at him.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Mira shouted with a dark aura surrounding her.

Natsu-Kun and I immediately stepped to the side to not be involved in her wrath.

"Oh nothing much. Just Gray asking Lucy out," Erza replied while eating some of her strawberry cake. She was definitely asking for it. The whole guild watched in silence.

Mira stormed towards Erza with a face full of 'I'm going to murder you for messing with my ships'. The rest of the guild immediately went back to minding their own business in order not to be the victim of what might happen next.

Mira POV

"What's up your sleeves Titania?" I asked while folding my arms.

"Nothing. Just supporting my nakamas,"

"I know that's not it. If you mess with my ships I wi-,"

"Will what Mira?" Erza taunted while standing up as well.

"You made the wrong move,"

"You started it wrongly,"

"And I'll end it right," Erza spoke while walking away.

Erza is never involved in these type of things. Why would she help out of a sudden? I clenched my first. Is she helping Gray and Lucy get together? Ships are my area of expertise! Oh no. What would happen to Juvia and Natsu. I turned around with a feeling of guiltiness clawing my heart. Natsu and Juvia were holding hands and staring at me with hopelessness and pain in their eyes.

"I'm sorry," I mouthed.

Juvia burst out crying and ran out of the guild. Natsu and I immediately chased after her.

Juvia POV

I wanted to run away. Mira-san said this would work but I feel 10 times worse! I should stick to just being his fangirl and getting rejected. I ran to the Sakura tree Natsu-Kun, Mira-san and I previously went and sobbed my eyeballs out. Nobody was there which was probably a good thing.


Oh no Natsu-kun. I turned my head slightly and saw Natsu-kun and Mira panting as they ran towards me.

"Juvs are you alright?" Natsu-Kun asked while sitting beside me and Mira sat on my other side.

"This isn't working!" I cried.

"You know..if they actually had feelings for us just like how we had for them, then they would feel jealous..since they obviously didn't then.." Natsu-Kun mumbled.

I sobbed even more but that was the cold hard truth. I needed to move on.

"Mira-san. Juvia is sorry but she wants to move on," I said looking at Mira with tears streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably.

I could see in Mira-san's eyes that she felt incredibly guilty and upset but she chose to hold back the emotions.

"I understand.."

"Me too. She's not mine. She's his. I gotta respect boundaries. I should stop trying," Natsu-Kun said.

Mira looked taken aback but she nodded.

"How about we go eat out tomorrow night! To cheer us up?" Mira recommended.

"Aye," Natsu-Kun and I said in unison.

This would be difficult but tell me I'm making the right decisions.

Project : jealousy [A NaLu and GrUvia story] ✔Where stories live. Discover now