Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon

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Name: Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon
Occupation: Queen
Otherwise Known As: Medusa

Powers: Ms Amaquelin-Boltagon has a superhuman metabolism, increased speed, strength, reflexes and endurance.

Most notably, Ms Amaquelin-Boltagon has hair that is six-foot in length when relaxed, and that, thanks to her mutagenically altered hair cells, can double in length, lift upwards of one tonne, and perform more delicate actions such as lock-picking. She can also "feel" sensations all along her hair, despite a lack of nerve endings, thanks to her psionic field. Overall, this ability is known as trichokenisis.

Affiliations: Miss Amaquelin-Boltagon is a member of the Inhuman Royal Family, and has been a member of the super team known as the Inhumans (the Frightful Four). She has also worked with the Avengers and the original Fantastic Four, and is now a core member if the A-Force. Also has links to the alien race known as the Kree.

Note: Ms Amaquelin-Boltagon is known for cruelty; once, be royal decree, she declared that Peter Parker, in his dying moments, suffer fifty lashes for mistaking her, due to her hair, for Mary-Jane Watson.

Strength Class: Unclassified
Threat Level: Beta

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