Lady Loki Loves

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I was woken late that night - even though I was barely asleep due to the questions buzzing round my head - by heavy footsteps and hurried voices. Groggily, I stood up, pulled on a dressing gown, and went to the door.

I put my ear to the gap to listen properly to what was going on.
"Should we tell her?"
"I'm in two minds, 'Merica, I really don't..."
Tell who what? And who was talking? 'Merica? America Chavez?

I struggled with the door handle for a bit, then decided to use other methods. Taking Miss Danvers' advice, I summoned a photonic blast and knocked the door down.
"Agh! Mortal!"

I was shocked to find a cowering Lady Loki, America Chavez and Kate Bishop stood in the hallway. Kate Bishop - Hawkeye, by the way - was one of my favourite superheroes (it sounds like I've got a lot, doesn't it?).

"Miss Roling," Kate stuttered. "Hi."
"Hi," I replied, confused. "Do you wanna come in?"
"Yeah," America replied, and the three stepped carefully over my ruined door and sat around my room. Loki was lounging quite suggestively on my desk.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked quietly. "What's going on?"
"So there's a nothing invasion going on?" I scoffed. "Right. It's the Kree, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Kate Bishop replied, sitting up straighter to look at me. "How did you know?"
"My parents were Kree, weren't they? Ark-ei and Ame-lin Barrix. I did some Googling." I blushed, and America smirked at me.
"It's probably nothing," she smiled kindly. "But we just have to be sure."

We sat in silence for a while. Lady Loki was picking at her nails, America sat on my chest of drawers, swinging her legs, and Kate sat next to me on my bed.
"I thought human teenagers were more fun than this," Loki finally said. "All clandestine romances and naughty secrets."
"Sorry to disappoint you, but there's not much room for romance in this place," I shrugged.
"Isn't there?" Loki smirked, wiggling her eyebrows. She got up, walked to America, and stood right up close to her face.

"What are you doing, Loki?"
"Trust me," Loki whispered.
"That's the last thing I'll - " America was cut off as Loki smashed her lips onto America's. America's eyes grew wide but after a while she relaxed into it, just as they drew apart. Kate and I stared.
"Loki, I -"

"America, Loki, Kate, kid, you coming?"
It was Captain Danvers, clad in full combat gear. She was holding a helmet under her arm and looked ready to fight.
"Were going to the Kree. Jennifer doesn't know. Gwen and Wanda are coming. You in?"

She said it all very fast, but, with an uncertain glance in the direction of Loki and America, we nodded.

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