Nico Minoru

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Name: Nico Minoru
Occupation: Magician
Otherwise Known As: Sister Grimm

Powers: Ms Minoru is a witch by blood, and can use Magical Teleportation (opening portals to move people to other places) and Magical Telekinesis (moving things with her mind). Using the Staff of the One, which she absorbed into her body after her mother attempted to stab her with it, and which she can use to cast simple spells.

The Staff of the One can only be used with the recitation of the phrase, "when blood is shed, let the Staff of the One emerge," at which time it will emerge from her chest.

Affiliations: Ms Minoru has been a member of both the Runaways and the Training Masters of Evil, and so, in the terms of 'sides' it is unknown whether her intentions truly lie on the side of 'good'.

Although she is now a member of the A-Force, Minoru ran with a group of friends upon discovering that her parents were members of the witch cult "The Pride", and that they took part in annual sacrifices of young children. Minoru and her friends henceforth formed the heroic band known as the Runaways.

Note: Ms Minoru is a particularly troubled youth (she is only eighteen at time of writing), but, if trained correctly, either a powerful ally or dangerous enemy. To be approached and treated with particular care.

Strength Class: Unclassified
Threat Level: Beta

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