II (1.2)

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LAST EDIT: 19.03.2019

Todor was lost in thought as he entered the locker room. Three hundred years of history that he could study and research. Before he got into the circles of game development he really enjoyed his time at university gathering knowledge about a time long past. It could be a good distraction from my Internet obsession, he thought as he closed the locker when someone touched his shoulder. Todor jumped in surprise leaning his back to the cold metal wardrobe. Irry stood there giggling at his outlandish response, blond curls vibrating at the rhythm of her mirth.

"This is the men's changing room," he hissed at her. But as soon as he said it he knew how stupid he sounded.

"Oh, is it? I thought half-naked sweaty dudes all around were just decoration," she said with a grin.

"What are you doing here?" he asked grabbing a jacket and putting it on.

"Well, if I hadn't sneaked in here you would have run away home and I wouldn't be able to talk to you."

Todor sighed turning around to lock his stuff. What is wrong with this elf?

"Let's at least go out of here before we talk," he said resigned to the whims of the strange girl.

"Oh you humans are so prudish about your bodies," she said briskly but she followed him out of the changing room.

Once they were in the hallway Todor glanced at her wary of what is coming next. You could never guess what came up on Irry's mind.

She glanced back at the locker room and shook her head.

"You think that just because you human males are bigger on average down there all Anadori women just want to jump your bones," she said with a mischievous grin.

"We are not such good friends, Irry," Todor said, trying to cut her off before she said something even more outrageous. " You still consider all humans as some kind of ancient experiment. Oh, and that we don't have souls."

She shrugged, the sly smile disappearing into an enigmatic facial expression.

"I find apel ... you humans fascinating. Do you know that you managed to reach the Void? Not even Grand Cabals of Anadori managed that. Can you imagine that? Outside of globes clutches!" she said, her eyes getting glazed over.

"I know, I lived in that world. Internet used some satellites in orbit to work. That is one of the reasons why I can't find an easy way to bring it back," he spat out increasing the pace of his steps. Irry followed him without any effort.

"Oh, right! Did you ever go to the Void?" she said bouncing in front of him.

Todor wanted to be irritated by her but he just couldn't. He stopped and sighed.

"Do you want to go out for a coffee and ask your questions about the Old World?" he said with resignation in his voice.

"Can we? Please? Oh, I guess you are asking me if I want to. Yeah!" she chirped happily.

They walked to his car in silence. Todor glanced at Irry as he took out his keys. It must have been torture for her to keep her mouth shut.

"Why don't you park at the companies' parking lot? Don't we all have one reserved spot?" Irry asked as she examined his old vehicle.

"We are supposed to get one each but some big shot takes my spot. Almost every day," he said sourly as the lock clicked. The car didn't have a central lock either, it was truly an analog vintage experience.

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