X (5.1)

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Todor was seven years old. Not a baby, practically a grown up. But he didn't look forward to going home from school. How is he going to explain that he got yet into another fight? But I didn't start the fight, they did, he thought angrily trying to think of an excuse for why is his hoodie torn again. And not to mention how will he manage to explain his rucksack with very expensive books ending up in the river. He was angry at the group of bullies, he was angry at his parents because he knew they will punish him for fighting and losing books. Most of all, he was angry at himself for being too weak to stop them. He winced at the pain where one of the older kids punched him.

Suddenly he was at home and his father was kneeling next to him. Mom was at work so her yelling will come later. His father looked worried and that blunted Todor's anger.

"I am alright, dad. They didn't hurt me," he said in his tiny boyish voice.

"Hey boy. What did I tell you about fighting?" his father asked in a gentle voice.

"Only as the last resort," Todor answered a bit of anger returning, "But dad, they ..."

"Shhh," his father put an index finger on his lips, "I know. They started it, they didn't listen to you and all that."

"Yes, but they were hurting Molly," he responded petulantly.

"And you couldn't watch them hurt your friend."


There was a smirk on his father's face.

"You are my son alright. Ok. If you have to fight, fight, but don't be consumed by it."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you shouldn't fight because you enjoy fighting. Fighting is only the last resort. Don't fight to punish or just to say you returned as much as they gave you. Fight to protect yourself or someone else. Understood?"

"Yes, dad."

"Now let us see how we will present this to your mom."

The pain came back. It shot through his arms, legs, back, and head. Everything hurt. But he knew he could endure it. That pain was nothing compared to the pain of losing the world.

He opened his eyes and saw the unfamiliar ceiling.

"Sorry dad, I might fail to follow your advice," he whispered.

"You are awake," Irry's voice came from somewhere, "What did you say?"

"Nothing, it was just a dream," he replied trying to get up a bit.

"Don't move. The doctor said you should stay a night at a hospital," Irry said and Todor looked at her.

"Why are you here?" he said surprised at her presence.

"Agent Hillard called me and told me everything," she said with a shrug, "You leave my place and get snagged by bloody tooth fairies, where else would I be than here?"

Todor was forced to snort a chortle which didn't hurt as much as he feared.

"Thanks for keeping me company," he said lamely with a groan, "And I wish they were tooth fairies. These guys knew how to lay on a hurt."

"No problem. And they are tooth fairies to me, they have large teeth right?"

"Stop making me laugh, it hurts," Todor said trying not to chuckle.

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now