VII (3.2)

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Todor and Mab observed from the sidelines when one of the servants approached them. Todor just then realized he was really hungry so he grabbed two pastries from the tray. The servant gave him the grim look and continued on.

"So, what do you think of all this?" Mab asked waving his hand over the gathered mass.

"Nothing changes, just some stuck up money thinking they are better than everybody else," he said with a mouthful of half-chewed pastry.

"You don't have to think when you know the facts," the sharp and melodic male voice answered behind him. It was vaguely familiar but Todor couldn't remember where he heard it. He turned around swallowing his snack.

"Being certain is dangerous. It leads to mistakes made by overconfidence," he said scanning the newcomer and taking one more bite of the pastry.

It wasn't an Anadori but a vampire. A vampire he saw on TV before. The vampire tycoon? What was his name, Breeze something? He tried to remember everything he heard. He knew vampires were immortal but looked like regular humans. Modern humans could not become vampires and only surviving vampires were those trapped in other two realms where Anadori and Morgothlites were banished. They were human once but that was before Sundering. So this guy is actually more than seventy millennia old? He didn't look older than twenty-five.

"True enough. You, modern humans, made that clear with that little stunt of yours a few years back," the pale man said siping the white vine from a delicate looking glass.

"What little stunt do you mean, mister ...?" Mab asked looking at the stranger.

"Why, the Sundering or however you dramatically call it. And it's Mister Midnight Breeze," he answered surprised, "You are Malabahtorh Takashon Sutrulash Leafblade and your companion is human with quite exotic titles from what I heard at the door," vampire added with a smirk.

"Indeed and don't you forget them," Todor said with a smile.

"Oh, I don't think we will meet again but I have a great memory, Seeker of Magic." Midnight said taking another sip of his drink. "Bah, alcohol does nothing for me. I rather have some blood saturated with high levels of alcohol. Where are those girls? Why do I pay them?" he said putting the drink on the tray of a passing servant and looking around for someone.

Then Todor saw a group of regular human girls in plain clothing walking among the throng of exotic Anadori silks. When they saw Midnight Breeze all four of them recoiled slightly but then moved towards him.

"Ah, there you are, girls. I was looking for you. You should have a few drinks," Midnight Breeze said to them. They bowed to him and then seeing Mab and Todor, bowed to them as well all though with lesser conviction.

"We are sorry, Patron. We got lost," one of them said in a tiny voice that Todor barely heard among the din, "And we don't drink."

"Oh, sure you do. When I order you to. So drink," the pale man said in a sharp tone.

The girl's eyes went wide, few seconds she stared at the vampire then she closed her eyes together with her fists. One by one they grabbed glasses from the passing server and took a sip.

Todor looked at Mab questioningly but the boy swirled his head as if to say 'Don't ask'.

"Ah, girls, meet fellow Seeker of Magic," the vampire said mockingly waving at Todor. "Most of these lovely girls are attending the university, learning about Anadori magic, getting educated. And I ... sponsor their endeavors in return for some of their plasma. Oh, and who is this coming?"

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now