XI (5.2)

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Todor woke from his dreamless sleep when someone's cold fingers touched his forearm. He snapped to attention and let out a sigh of relief when he realized it was just a nurse. He was taking out needles and instruments he was attached to.

"Good morning mister Corpus. You are getting released. Your company paid the bills," the nurse said with a smile.

Todor felt Ezezus presence getting stronger as if the book was waking up. Being released into the wild again and having the comforting ball of emotions pleasantly buzzing bellow his scalp made him smile.

What followed was rushed explanations on what to do if he has pains or symptoms after which he found himself on the sidewalk in front of the hospital. I was hospitalized only twice in my life and this went totally differently, he mused slightly annoyed. At least my company knows that I am not faking an injury. Then he sent a text for a taxi since he didn't see any close by. Maybe I should start an Uber in this world and make millions, The thought crossed his mind when a weirdly colored taxi stopped in front of him.

Drive was long and Todor let his mind wander. Painkillers he took at the hospital were still working so he blessedly only felt emotional pain. Glancing at the phone he realized Irry texted Cassandra as well. He winced as he imagined all kinds of things Irry could have said in her clueless way.

A hot girl interested in going out with me and I am acting all cool and standoffish. What is wrong with me? He asked himself. Maybe I should go out with Cassandra before I die from loneliness. A hysterical giggle escaped him. The driver glanced at him in the mirror and shook his head.

Finally, he was home. He paid the driver with his phone, annoyingly he had to do it with his phones prepaid credit since there was no network dedicated for handling such things. He walked across the yard, his mind pondering all the lost quirks and quality of life conveniences he lost then he realized his front door was open. He froze.

There was no sign of forced entry and it was a bright morning with many people on the street walking their pets and jogging. There was no way vampires would try kidnapping him now, was there? Could vampires even walk in the sun? I should know these things now when I am on their shit list. He swallowed and carefully moved inside. He froze before he let out a sigh of relief. Irry was sitting in the living room petting Mihos who purred happily. She noticed Todor and smiled.

"I hope you don't mind me feeding your cat. He was all alone for the entire day while you were having an adventure," Irry said with a smirk.

"If that was an adventure, give me quite uneventful life any day," he responded dropping down on a sofa across from Irry. He let out a groan of mixed pain and pleasure. Finally being home felt surprisingly good.

"How did your first date in seven years went?" Irry asked with a glint in her eyes.

"Well I planned a date with a nice Morg girl, you know. But it seems Midnight Breeze swooped me up of my feet, literally," he said defiantly.

"Are you alright?" she asked now in a more serious voice.

"I am, and you lied to me."

"Me? Lying? Preposterous. Just out of curiosity, what did I lied about?"

"You said your hot sisters will be at the party and that you will introduce me."

Irry laughed and crossed her legs.

"Yeah, well, as it turns out you already had a date ... with a Morg no less."

They both chuckled and went silent. Todor looked at the door and realized something.

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now