XV (6.3)

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The coat was a bit larger, made for someone with a bigger build than Todor. But to Todors' surprise, it shrank to the contour of his body. He gasped, sharply exhaling his breath.

"Smart nano fabric," Mick said proudly. "Morgs and Anadori may have their enchanted clothing, but us humans traveled the harder way. Making magic through technology."

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," Todor said marveling at coat which fit him perfectly now.

"Wise words those. Did you thought of it?" Mick said with a nod.

"No, it's third law of technology invented by a writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke," Todor explained, not wanting to take credit for something other great person achieved.

"I thought humans in Mundane Era didn't have magic," Mab said perking up from an item he was examining.

"We didn't have magic but we knew of the concept," Todor said offhandedly still marveling at the thing he was wearing.

"You know, many youths who were born in Moriganhold don't even know what law is," Mick said with a chuckle. "I might grab a book from this Sir Arthur, haven't had anything decent to read in a while. Now put those shades on."

Todor complied and put sunglasses on expecting for his vision to get dimmer. Instead, everything got blurry for a second then it came into focus with crystal clarity.

"Neat, it actually corrected my eyesight," Todor said looking at the words that showed up in his field of vision. 'Project Kavacha system initializing' it said in green letters. A few seconds later it listed: Shield - OK (Stand By), Temperature Control - OK (OFF), Threat detector - OK (Stand By), Aim Compensator - OK (OFF), Vision Correction - OK (ON). And so on it went for two more minutes. After it listed everything question appeared: 'Do you want to turn HUD on? YES/NO' and in smaller letters under it said 'Blink to click desired option'.

"It's controlled by eye movement," Todor said consumed by the novelty of it.

"By default, yes. You can switch to finger controls with gloves that I left in coats right pocket." Mick explained.

Todor decided after short deliberation that he liked eye controls and that seeing HUD would be kinda cool. If it gets too annoying I will turn it off, he concluded and blinked with his left eye clicking YES. 'HUD enabled if you want to configure HUD layout click on gear icon in your lower right corner,' it said before winking out of existence. HUD showed up a second later. It contained battery charge level, his heartbeat rate, temperature and different data from radar, scanners, and detectors.

After a few seconds, another question appeared: "Mobile device detected on a person. Do you want to link it with Kavacha system? YES/NO'. Todor clicked YES right away. 'Unknown mobile device operating system. Creating a handshake routine. Please wait,' it said with a symbol of the hourglass turning. Now that is a blast from the past, Todor thought wistfully. After only twenty seconds or so it said: 'Handshake routine created. Linking. Please wait.' Ten seconds later it completed the task but another question popped up: 'Do you want to transfer control of your mobile device to Kavacha system when worn? YES/NO'. Todor shrugged and clicked YES. Suddenly he could access his phone contacts, send and read texts, make calls, just by blinking on commands. 'NEW TEXT from Cassandra. Read now? YES/NO.'

Todor looked at the blinking question in front of his eyes and clicked YES. The text said: 'I am so sorry to hear about your unpleasant encounter with vampires. Nasty creatures, I am grateful they can't infect anyone anymore. If you are feeling better we could meet up tonight at the same place I suggested before?'

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now