IX (4.2)

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Agent Hillard nodded a few times as if he wasn't sure what to say next but before he could say anything the room doors opened and two vampire lackeys motioned them to get out. Todor and Hillard looked at each other then obeyed.

Four of them moved through an empty building that looked like an abended school. Todor glanced through the windows hoping to see some landmark or detail that would tell him where in a city they were but had no luck. Outside he could only glimpse a concrete yard with decrypt tables and benches. The sound of bagpipes and drums was almost upon them or so it seemed to Todor. Whoever those people were they were in no hurry to get there. Psychological warfare? Against vampires? Who are this guys? He wondered glancing at Hillard who walked next to him, spine erect and steps light. He knows but I don't think he will volunteer that information.

"Good to see you are not worried," Todor said to break the silence.

"Shut up, food," goon behind them said pushing Todor slightly.

"I am not your food, you genetic dead end," Todor snapped back.

Great job, tough guy. Antagonize immortal predator of the night some more. He thought to himself, annoyed at his lack of self-control. Luckily vampire just smiled.

"I was one of the few who beat you up in that alley," the vampire said showing fangs in a mindless grin.

Todor didn't know how to respond to that. He wanted to land his fist in the face of a bloodsucking idiot but he just shrugged.

"Hope you enjoyed it," was the only thing he said before hurrying up to catch up with the other goon who was ignoring them altogether.

Suddenly the window next to him had a tiny hole appear with cracks spread around it like rays of the sun. The leading vampire jerked his head once. Twice. Three times. And then just crumbled to the floor like a discarded rag. Todor swirled to see what will the annoying one behind him do. What he saw was a figure dropping from the ceiling with a large dagger in hand. The unknown person came down on an unsuspecting vampire with a speed and agility that Todor hardly registered. The dagger flashed once, twice and three times, stabbing the creature in different points, neck, armpit, and heart. Stab,stab stab. The movement was practiced and almost elegant in its efficient brutal glory.

Todor froze looking at the figure that just dispatched the hunter of the night like it was nothing but a small obstacle. It was hard to guess if it was male or female because it wore furs and leathers with a hood that covered its head almost entirely. What wasn't covered with a hood was covered with a mask that to Todors untrained eyes looked like it was made of plastic. But after a second he realized it was bone.

"Agent Hillard, where is my sister?" the stranger said in a husky voice distorted by masks filter. It sounded female but it was hard to tell through the mask.

Hillard sighed looking at the stranger. He didn't look glad to see this person. He looked tired instead.

"Govern informed you that you and your people have no jurisdiction here. You are risking the peace in entire city by disturbing the delicate balance," he snapped at the newcomer. Stranger cleaned his or her dagger and spirited it away beneath the furs and leathers of their clothing. Then reached for his mask and with a hiss removed it. Climate controlled bone mask? That is new. The face that stared at Hillard from her hood was face that was quite similar to the bald woman Midnight Breeze was feeding on in his cell. The memory of the vampires action upon the unknown girl almost made Todor gag.

"We listened in on your phone. Looked like you were willing to risk peace in this entire city as well," strange woman said with a note of arrogance to her voice.

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now