XXXVI (16.3)

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Todor woke up with Cassandra's pissed face in front of him.

"What the fuck happened here?" she barked in half angry, half worried tone.

"Midnight Breeze sent some goons to look for Ezezu," he said weakly. "I used combat potion and strength enhancing spell to fight them off. It was a bit of an overkill. Midnight Breeze underestimated me and I his desire to wreck this city apart."

"That is great, but now you are drained and weak as the kitten. That wouldn't be bad at all if this wasn't the morning of your first day at work," Cassandra said straightening up and putting fists on her hips. "You should have woken me up. Together we could have sent these clowns packing without you straining yourself so much."

Ezezu buzzed in his mind. I dispelled the strength enhancement and alchemical bonus as well, she informed him.

"Why would you do that?" he said out loud. Cassandra looked at him strangely, worry in her eyes. Todor smiled and pointed at his head before he mimicked talking with his palm. She squinted at him and then nodded.

Because, if I let both of those ravage your body for hours while you slept, you would be one big bruise by now. And woke with a craving to devour an entire cow. Now you will get back on your feet once you get some food in your belly.

"Well, it's great I have both of you to worry about me," Todor said mildly.

"What did the Maharoon said?" Cassandra's eager face warmed as she helped him get on his feet.

"That she dispelled the enhancement spell we used early. Now I can be good as new with just a large meal instead of being bedridden for an entire week," Todor explained. He took a sit on a bloody sofa letting out a sigh. The severed arm still decorated the seat next to him which reminded Todor that he murdered again. What was worse he felt nothing for those whose lives he ended prematurely.

"I'll call my half brother to clean this mess up and make bodies disappear. Order some food too. It's your big day, we can't let something little as multiple murders in your own home stop you from going to work," Cassandra rambled with a smile across her face.

"Most women would look for the nearest door right about now," Todor said sadly.

"Well, most women are not clan Warchiefs. Things like this happened in my life all the time," she reassured him.

At that moment Todor was sure he didn't want Cassandra to leave from his life. A warm feeling of care spread through his chest as he stared at her. It made him want to jump on his feet and grab her to slam a scorching kiss on that quirky smile. But he refrained from doing that, which was easier considering he would have trouble getting up. There will be time for that later.

Two hours after Todors stomach was full and his living room was free of dead bodies. Morgosh, antique pawn shop owner and Cassandra's half brother came with a couple of large half-breeds and drove them off somewhere. Large tattooed man didn't ask about what happened, only if he was happy with his book. Todor just nodded and with a promise he will drop by at his shop for a talk said their goodbyes. Which left him with bloody ruined living room but he could think about that once his first day at work goes smoothly.

He tried to put the night escapade behind him and focus at the path ahead of him. Ignoring what the vampire said before he killed him was hard. While he showered, dressed and equipped himself the words sailed into his forefront. He wants to take over Moriganhold, Ezezu. That is big. I shouldn't have killed him. He might have had more information. He clamped the belt over the coat with sword and dagger on his left and pistol holstered below his right armpit. With the weight of the blades settling around his hips he glanced at the railgun. You don't know when golem or forest fires will spring up around you. Better bring it with you, Ezezu suggested which made Todor chuckle. He took her advice to heart and slang the weapon on his shoulder. Heavily armed and stocked up on potions he strolled to the subway entrance.

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin