XIII (6.1)

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The trio entered Micks shop on the urging of the man himself. Interior was clean and spartan in every way with glass showcases displaying a wide array of guns, pistols, rifles, grenades ... every modern implement of death and carnage.

"You could equip a small army with this," Todor said amazed.

"You could, and I do from time to time," Mick responded with a smirk. "Gorillaz and Polite Society get all their firepower from me," he added proudly.

Todor had conflicting feelings about this. In the Old World, he was a huge proponent of gun control. But here he was not so sure about it. When there was no dedicated force to serve and protect regular people, forbidding a way for people to defend themselves was simply unethical. And I need to get that force field amulet too, he reminded himself. Have to ask Irry for another trip to black market.

"So, Miss Sunhawk. You brought me new customers. Thank you." Mick said bowing slightly to Irry. "Whatever does your heart desire I probably have. If I don't I can mostly find in a few weeks times," Mick finished leaning on one of the mannequins decked out in some type of war gear.

"I guess I need some self-defense handgun first," Todor said eagerly. "Something simple and easy to use for a beginner shooter. And please no revolvers."

"Alright. Something street tested and easy to hide?" Mick asked nodding.

"Not necessary. It can be a big handgun and noticeable. Just that it's easy to use. But that it can be formidable even when I get better at using it. So not a peashooter either."

"I like this guy. He knows what he wants but doesn't pretend that he is gun expert," Mick said flashing a grin at Irry.

"That was a jab at me," Irry commented, "When I came to get my first gun I didn't know what I wanted but I acted like I know everything. Can't tarnish Anadori smugness in any way."

"Nope, you definitely didn't. I asked her many questions and she would just shrug. How is a man to find the perfect piece for a customer like that, eh?" Mick added before turning to his computer and typing something.

Todor noted that a monitor was large CRT one, they were all but gone when he was spirited away. He shook his head at that.

"Alright, here we go. I have four models that you could try out at our shooting range," Mick said turning to Todor. "Come, follow me."

The trio followed the ginger gun store owner to the left of the room and behind one of the large glass showcases entered the hallway. There they found their way to the large hall which Todor recognized as a shooting range. Carl told them to wait for a bit and left them there.

"This guns didn't advance much since I was born." Todor said sadly.

"They are easy and cheap to make. Those ray guns you want have sophisticated electronics and components that can bankrupt gangs that usually shop at Micks," Irry said while Todor sent her accusatory look. "Don't look at me like that. I didn't lie. Mick has a backroom for specialty items. First get some normal gun that doesn't scream 'I have money, rob me'."

"You are right." Todor agreed.

A few minutes later Mick returned with a young dark-skinned man. Both of them carried wooden boxes.

"This is Roland, my arms instructor." Mick introduced the newcomer.

"Hello, Miss Sunhwak. Hello folks." Roland greeted them cheerfully.

"Alright. I'll leave you with Roland. Yell for me when you decide on a model." Mick said before walking away.

Roland smiled and motioned them to the desk where Mick and he left the boxes.

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now