Chapter 1

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"Maya??" Mason asks.

"Yea?" I answer.

"What's wrong?" Mason ask scooting closer to me.

"Nothing." I say, staring out the window.

"Something is." He states.

"How do you know?" I ask looking at him.

"You're quiet, you're never quit." He says looking at me concerned. I scuff. "Come on, talk to me." He says leaning closer. The bus seat is really small but he thinks it's even smaller because he's sitting so close. I don't mind though, I like feeling him near me.

"It's just been a rough day." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"My anxiety's been messing with me." I say in a low voice.

"Oh." He says looking down.

"Yea, I've done cried twice today because of it. Plus I had another nightmare last night." I say still looking out the window.

"Was it bout me again?" He asks.

"Yea..." I say feeling guilty. "You... you had a gun... I begged you not to do it... but you pointed the gun at your head..." I say trying to hold back tears.

"It's okay. I'm not gonna leave you, I promised." He says rubbing my arm. I lay my head on his shoulder and drift to sleep. "Shoot!" I hear Mason yell. I sit up. Mason's little sister, Abby, is running to her friends.

"Maya had her head on Mason's shoulder!" Abby yelled.

"Shut up!" Mason yells at her. Oh, great, I'm gonna be in trouble now. Mason gets Abby to shut up, finally. We get to my stop. "Bye Maya, see ya tomorrow." Mason says letting me out of the seat.

"Bye Mason." I say. Then I get off the bus. I walk down my driveway. "What's my mom doing home?" I think out loud. I walk in the house. "Hey, mom?" I say questioningly.

"Hey." She says.

"Still sick??" I ask.

"Yea, the doctor said I can't go back to work till January." She says, looking at her WORK tablet.

"Oh, but then why are you working?" I ask.

"I'm gonna finish what I started." She states.

"Okay." I say. I then walk to my room, sit my stuff down then walk back out. "Can I get a Ale 8?" I yell to my mom.

"No, we're out." She yells back.

"Can I get a Mountain Dew?" I yell.

"I don't care." She yells back. I then go to my room and do my homework. Well, try to do my homework. It's starting to get really hard to focus on anything, and when I can't focus I don't understand. I'm just gonna write for a little while.

I didn't think he'd be here today,
I thought we were gonna pay,
I just wanted him to stay.

"Why can't I die?"
Because you're supposed to fly.

Fly above the madness,
Fly above the sadness.

You say you love me,
If it were true I wouldn't have to plea.

I'm sorry we didn't work out,
There was a loud shout.

I run into the room,
You're at your doom.

They're gonna lower you in the ground,
Without you making a sound.

A Hunter's Trouble (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now