Chapter 22

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"You okay?" Olivia asked. We're back at our hideout. We're all in the living room.

"Yea. You don't have to always ask me that." I say as I continue to write in my notebook.

"Yes, I do." She says.

"No, you don't!" I bark.

"Why don't I?" She asks.

"Because." I say rolling my eyes.

"Because isn't an answer." She says. Because most of the time when you ask that I lie. I don't answer her I just keep writing, soon she walks away.

"I win!" I hear Jade yell.

"You cheater!" Ava yells.

"I saw you take the money!" Mason yells.

"Yea!" Chase yells just for the heck of it.

"I did no such thing!" Jade yells, fake offended.

"Jade everyone says you stole it. So this mean, you are under arrest." I say walking over to her. "Put your hands where I can see them." I say as I point a finger gun at Jade.

"Nope, I'm out of here!" Jade yells as she grabs more money and takes off running.

"Stop in the name of the law!" I yell running after her.

"Never!" Jade yells laughing her evil laugh.

"Send backup!" I scream. Lilly comes out of no where, cutting off Jades path. I run up to Jade and tackle her.

"No, I won't be taken alive!" She yells struggling. Mason hands me a zip tie. I wrap it around Jades hands which are behind her back. I tighten the zip tie. "Noooo!" Jade yells.

"You are under arrest!" I say again as Mason and I pick Jade up and put her on her feet. We take her back to the living room. Olivia is laughing her butt off. We sit Jade on the couch.

"I think y'all don't need to play Monopoly any more." Olivia says laughing.

"Where's the money?!?" I yell at Jade. This is fun.

"You'll never find it!" She barks, laughing.

"Fine, you can serve ten years of jail time. Take her away!" I yell to Ava.

"No! I'll tell you! I'll tell you! It's in my back pocket." Jade says. Ava pulls the money out of Jade's pocket and hands it to me.

"Okay, now give me the rest of the money." I say. Mason hands it to me. "All charges are dropped." I say. "And now I'm rich!" I yell running out the door with the money.

"Hey!" Mason yells. They all start chasing me, and I start to throw money at them. I run back in the house. I lay down on the couch.

"Dog pile!" Jade yells.

"Noooo!" I yell.

A Hunter's Trouble (Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora