Chapter 47

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"Travis?" I say softly.

"Yes, little sis." He says.

"I'm getting really dizzy from the blood loss..." I say shakily as my vision goes in and out.

"Damn it Justin!" Travis yells hitting the steering wheel. "I'm sorry little sis." He say as guilt fills his voice. I soon pass out.
I wake up tired to what looks like an operating table. I fight against it.

"Hey hey, it's okay little sis. They're just fixing your side." A voice I haven't heard in two years says to me.

I don't believe this! It can't be! I'm hearing things!

"Blake!" I scream.

"Travis untie her!" Blake orders. Travis does so and I sit up. Blake is standing in front of me. I think I'm hallucinating again. "Hey little sis, I've missed you so so much!" Blake says a tear rolling down his face. I reach my hand out and wipe the tear away.

"Oh my god! You're real!" I squeal as I wrap my arms around him.

"Of course I'm real." He says hugging me back. Tear start to roll down my face.

"Alright you two, I know you've missed each other but we have... business to do." Travis says. He gave Blake a cold look when he said business. Blake nods then pulls me into another hug.

"Forgive me for this. I promise I love you." Blake whispers in my ear. Then I feel someone grab me and drag me away from Blake.

"Blake! No! Please! Help!! Blake I'm sorry! PLEASE!" I scream through sobs. I'm then throw into a dark room. The person who had a hold of me walks in the room, slams the door, then locked it.

"Like I said before, I'm going to have a lot of fun with you..." I hear Justin say as I hear him walking closer. It's pitch black except for the little light shining through from under the door. Justin gets right in front of me and grabs me. Then he slides he hand under my shirt and but to my bra. He leaves his other hand resting on my back.

"L-l-et g-o-o" I stutter.

"How about you just make me?" Justin says. I can't see him but I know he's smirking. A few more tears fall down my face. "So here's what going to happen. You're friends are now making a plan to save you. They're going to come and you're going to act like you didn't know. Then after a few days you're going to tell them you have a new boyfriend and introduce me to the gang. Since you're basically the leader you are gonna let me join. And you're not going to tell anyone about how you really know me. Is that understood?" Justin says with a harsh tone.

"Y- y-y-e-e-s..." I stutter.

"Yes... baby." Justin says in a "sweet" voice.

"Y-y-e-s b-b-a-b-y-y..." I stutter as a try to hold but the tears but fail.

"Good girl." Justin says kissing me then throwing me to the ground and walking out of the room. I then cry my eyes out and soon fall asleep.

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