Chapter 65

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"Ava! Why the hell is she bleeding so bad!?" I scream trying to add more pressure to Liv's arm.

"I don't know!" Ava yells trying to help stop the bleeding.

"Lilly! Drive faster!!!" I yell.

"Okay." Lilly says calmly as she speeds up to hit 100. We got back to the hide out and I rushed Liv inside. We layed her on the couch.

"She's not going to make it. She's lost to much blood. I'm sorry M." Ava says as her voice drops. My heart sinks. I slowly start to back away from Liv.

"M?" Mason says concerningly as he walks closer to me.

"I was supposed to save her. I promised. I promised I'd save her." I whisper to myself.

"M? M! Maya!" Mason yells and I snap out of my rant.

"Wait! What about a blood transfusion?" Jade yells.

"It would kill whoever gave the blood. She's lost to much." Ava says sadly.

"Let me do it anyway." I say bluntly. "I promised her I'd save her. I'm not breaking that promise."

"M, you're the wouldn't work. You're sick, remember?" Lilly reminds me.

"Damn it!" I yell as I punch the wall.

"What's her blood type?" Mason asks.

"She's A-positive." Blake says pulling up his sleeves.

"How do you know that?" Jade asks.

"I'm her stalker. I was trying to protect her this whole time but I didn't want Maya to be hurt if I couldn't. That's why she pushed all of you away." Blake says. "I also have the same blood type as her."

"Blake no! I can't lose you again!" I yell.

"No, you can't lose her." Blake says looking at Liv. "She doesn't have a lot for time left. I have to do this now. I love you little sis."

"I love you to!" I cry as I hug Blake tightly. I let go and back into Mason's arms.

"Hey mason." Blake calls out.

"Yeah man?" Mason answers while he has his arms around me and his chin resting on the top of my head.

"Take care of her for me." Blake whispers.

"Always & forever." Mason says looking down and me and kissing the top of my head as tears roll down both our faces. Blake gives a soft smile.

"Okay Ava, do your thing." Blake says.

"Let's go into the other room." Mason whispers in my ear. I nod and follow him into the kitchen. A half an hour later Ava talks in with a sour face.

"It's done. Liv's stable and Blake's gone. I tried to save both of them but she just needed to much blood." Ava explains. I nod my head. I walk into the other room and see Liv still unconscious. I sit down in the floor beside the couch she was laying on. I grab her lifeless hand. I can barely feel her pulse.

"I'm sorry I drug you into this life. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me. I love you." I whisper as tears roll down my face.

"Bradon." Liv says in her sleep.

"I'll get him here sis. I promise." I say as I get up.

"Here's her phone." Mason says handing it to me.

"Thanks." I give him a fake smile and walk upstairs to my room. I pull up Bradons number and hit the call button.

"Hello? Olivia?" His voice came through the phone.

"Hi I'm Maya. Im Liv's sister... Wait I mean friend. Something happened to Liv and she needs you. So where can I meet you to take you to her?" I stutter.

"Oh god. Meet me at the dollar store." He says.

"Okay be there in 10." I say as I hang up the phone and walk out the door.

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