Chapter 68

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"So is she cured?" Liv asks playing with her hands. I look up at Ava nervously. A huge smiles plays across Ava's face. She nods her head. My heart pounds, I smile.

"Wait, so I'm not sick anymore?" I ask hopeful.

"All the symptoms are gone. I have no idea how this happened but you're going to be okay." Ava says hugging me as a few tears fall down her face. I wanna cry but I don't wanna seem weak since I'm all better.

Liv walks over to me and pulls me into a hug on the couch. "You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay." She says with tears rolling down her face. 

"I told you I would be." I say smiling. We hug for a little longer than I pull away from her. "Now we just gotta get you better." I say. I know she doesn't want to talk about it but it kills me seeing her like this.

She looks at me sterny. "I'm fine." She assures me. I wanna stop talking bout it cause I can tell it's upsetting her but this say to be taken care of.

"No, you're not. You're so light now. You barely look alive. You're constantly shaking. And you're hair keeps falling out." I explain. The look she gives me mads me want to stop so bad. I just want to help.

"Okay." She responds and walks away. She starts walking up stairs and I remember I haven't told Mason I'm cured.

He wasn't feeling good so he went to lay down for awhile.

I walk up the stairs to see Mason have Liv pushed against the wall. She has pain written all over her face. "You still keeping quiet? You better be because I'll make you wish you never came here. Maya doesn't need to know about anything that happened while she was out." Mason says. Hes angrier than I've ever saw him, but now I'm anger to.

"Maya doesn't need to know what happened?! Mason what are you doing!?" I scream. Mason looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Maya I can explain." Mason trys to explain throwing his hands up. Liv falls to the ground holding her shoulders.

"You hurt her!" I yell. I walk up to him and punched him in his nosed. You could here the crack. Blood started pouring out of it. Mason wiped the blood off them grinned at me evilly. I started taking steps back.

"I'm gonna make you regret that." He says grabbinge by my hair and pulling me into the room we share.

"Mason! Don't hurt her please!" I hear Liv scream. "Jade! Bradon! Lilly! Ava! Somebody help!" Liv continues to scream. Mason throws me on the floor and slams the door. He turns the lock and looks at me.

"You think that's gonna keep them out " I scuff.

"No but this will." He says throwing the dresser against the wall. I scream cause of the noise. He then pulls the desk to the door and picks it but and puts it on top of the dresser. "Now to deal with you." Mason smiles at me as he picks up one of his belts.

"You're gonna hit me with that?" I stutter trying to back away but I hit the bed.

"I can do that or I can do something else." He says walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist and biting my neck. His hands slide now to the line of my leggings.

"Please."I cry.

"Please what?" He says as he looks at me sterny.

"Please just calm down and don't do this." I beg.

"It's a little late for that. Now! Chose." He says harshy.

"No!" I say trying to get out of this grip.

"Fine, then I'll chose and I chose both." Mason says pushing my on the bed and crawling on top of me.

"Mason this isn't you! You'd never hurt me, remember?!" I scream.

"That was the old Mason! The one who thought he'd always have you. But that Mason was stupid and weak. You'll have to deal with me now!" Mason screams. I looked into his eyes the were completely dark. Wait, that looks like the way my eyes use to go. He wouldnt!? Oh shit. He has what I had...

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