19 - holding hands

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lol haven't updated in a while so in case y'all forgot:
Previously on Faking Reality:

Sadie sneaked out of the house to go to Finn's. At Finn's house they discuss the aspect of their relationship. Somehow they end up slowly leaning into each other...


The Next Day:

My eyes opened to the brightness of the sun seeping through the blinds. I cringed slightly before getting out of bed. I looked down at my phone and opened it up before I realized: Shit, it's six-fifty.

I quickly got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and changed clothes. I even forgot to brush my hair which was probably a mistake. How did my alarm not go off?

I jumped into my car and headed to Finns house and all of the sudden memories started flooding my mind. Shit... Finn!

Finn's eyes darted between mine as our faces got even closer. A kiss, I was about to share yet another kiss with Finn Wolfhard. But this was different. We both clarified, well, maybe not clarified, but we both know are feelings for each other.

I closed my eyes and I felt one of Finn's hands make contact with my cheek. My heart was pounding probably irregularly. I was mentally freaking out. We were so close to kissing until my phone rang. It was my mom.

I groaned knowing that today will probably not be a good day. I mean I am already grounded!

I closed the door softly to my house and saw my mom standing in front of me with her arms crossed. I smiled weakly at her but I knew there was no way out of this.

"Look Sadie, I know I have never been the best mother to you but now I am trying to make up for it. If that means I have to ground you for sneaking out then so be it! You are grounded." She said quickly leaving my mouth hanging open. Crap.

I sighed at tapped the steering wheel impatiently before pulling up to Finn's house. He walked out already ready. He wasn't fumbling with his earbuds or anything.

He jumped into the passenger seat and I smiled at him. "Hey..." I said and he smiled at me.

"Hi." He was really happy for some reason. I wonder if it was because of last night. "I want to talk." My heart was racing again. It was pounding so hard against my chest, I wondered if he could hear it? "So last night happened and I'm not going to pretend it did not happen, again." He said facing me as I kept my eyes on the road.

"I agree. We can't keep postponing the inevitable..." I said with a slight nod. "This talk." I whispered sadly. I wanted to express my feelings to him but I was so scared of this conversation. I guess we really had been holding it off.

"Sadie... I like you. Like, I really like you and I see potential in us. Plus everyone already thinks we are a couple." He said and I glanced at him sighing a little bit. Not the tired sigh but the lovesick sigh. He was absolutely amazing.

"I like you too. Which is why we have to break up." I said giving him another quick glance to catch his reaction. He was taken back. "I want to start fresh and start real. If our emotions are real so be our relationship." I said and he smiled at me. Jeez how I loved his smile.

"I agree." He said and I smiled to myself. Finally, finally this was happening!

"So what does this make us?" I ask awkwardly as I also awkwardly readjusted my grip on the wheel. Why was I so awkward?

He looked over at me and I look at him shortly. "Let's not put a label on us yet." He said and I nodded. Should I say something? All of the sudden I became awkward again like I was in middle school.

I pulled into the school parking lot and parked the car in my usual spot. We both jumped out of the car at the same time our pathways intertwining. I smiled at him and said good bye as did he.


The school day was passing by quickly. My mind was so clogged up by Finn and I's relationship I didn't even notice the minutes turn to hours. Poof! It was lunchtime.

I was walking to the Cafeteria beside Finn as we talked, smiling lightly because we both officially liked each other. I literally couldn't be happier.

I noticed Finn look down and I felt my hand be intertwined with his. I was beaming, not joking. How could anyone possibly be so happy. He continued to talk acting like he didn't just make my heart jump and shatter from happiness.

He was so oblivious.

"Do you know how oblivious you are?" I asked him, cutting him off from his previous ramblings. He turned to me and quirked and eyebrow.

"How am I oblivious?" He asked and I laughed squeezing his hand. We walked into the Cafeteria and I smelled the smell of chili. Ew, I hate chili!

"Never mind." I laughed before disconnecting our hands and sitting down at the lunch table. I smiled over at him and then everyone else. I noticed Iris eyeing me suspiciously. I guess I should tell her what happened.



^I mean it, please don't skip over this.

I have absolutely zero ideas for this book. I really want to continue but I don't know how when I have nothing to write about. Please give me some ideas on what you want to happen. Hint Hint, especially now since they are dating.

So please, PLEASE. If you have the slightest idea for this book please either comment or message me.

Or else, the end of this book might be sooner than we thought. Please y'all, I really don't want to end this book so leave suggestions!!!

Faking Reality // fadieWhere stories live. Discover now