26 - the boyfriend guide

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Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

It was Monday. I had yet to tell anyone that I met Asher at the concert. I'm hoping he will just go away. Maybe his family will find a better place to live. I really just want to avoid drama at all cost.

I should probably tell Sadie. I mean a relationship is all about telling each other things. I don't have to tell her though. This information could be irrelevant in the future. Well, it is pretty important since he's her ex and I'm her boyfriend.

I've basically just been arguing back and forth with myself this whole time. Sadie and I were on the couch watching The Office, once again. We were now re-binging it since it would be off Netflix in 2021.

Sadie started laughing at something on the show but I was too busy with my thoughts to pay attention. But she noticed I didn't laugh. She turned to me making me look down at her. She looked confused.

"Finn, what's wrong?" She asked as she shifted to be facing directly at me.

"Nothing, what do you mean?" I asked trying to play it off. She gave me the expression that meant she totally didn't believe me.

"Come on Finn, I'm your girlfriend you have to tell me when something's wrong," she said. I still love it when she calls herself my girlfriend. "You have been staring into space for the last ten minutes!"

"Nothings wrong I'm just thinking about school. I got a big test coming up Friday and I'm planning a studying schedule in my head," I replied attempting to reassure her. It wasn't working. I could tell she still didn't believe me.

She sighed and looked down at her lap. "Fine, don't tell me. Just please get over this hump. Know that I'm always here and whatever it is I won't judge you. Wait-" she stopped abruptly and stared at me harshly. "You didn't cheat on me, right?" She asked with concerned eyes.

"No!" I exclaimed as I gave her a weird look. "Why do you assume that? I would never, could never," I scoffed as I took slight offense.

She sighed again as her face softened. She then said, "I know you wouldn't. Things have just been going so well lately I'm used to jumping to conclusions. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Don't worry about me, Sads. Nothing is wrong I am perfectly OK." I told her as I cupped her cheek with my hand. She gave me a sweet smile in return and then turned back to the TV.

I looked at her for a while as I thought about what had just happened. I just lied to her and I hate it. Well, I wasn't lying I just didn't tell her. I will tell her eventually but it really isn't that big a deal. Here I go again with my bantering. I might as well go ahead and pretend I'm paying attention.


The next day I got called into the Principal's Office. This could not be good, this type of thing never was. I don't know why he'd be mad at me? Oh, maybe Mr. Modine tattled about finding Sadie and I making out in her car. He said he would let it go, little-

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