❌💜✅Snipebrella girl (New year special 2) (3)

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2021 Edit: This is non canon/canon due to some changes to some characters it will also be rewritten in another book.

The story has been hugely edited (but not too much of it but just a section and maybe a few paragraphs.)

2686 words


I read through my old notebook of old memories I held.

I decided to flip over to a blank page with a dark blue coloured ink and wrote the story of today...

"Today, Windy has been a pain like always, no surprise there, she does this every day so nothing new today it seems."

I stopped writing, I didn't seem to be in the mood to write. I groaned in frustration as a small gust of wind blew into my room flipping the pages from my book. Sighing as I thought pop up: being alone is much more boring without Windy around. Besides that, she must be making up for her mistakes from earlier and Leslie probably is watching her.

Ignoring the thought of her, I looked back at the pages of my notebook, I saw some old drawings when I was starting to... Change back then. "Maybe I should read this again." I thought, "that'll probably give me inspiration again." Again I thought as I read through the words.

"I saw a lot of things that I shouldn't have seen, everyone was fighting against the demons that entered our world. Even I, as well, was fighting. I only had a sniper umbrella (not too great of a weapon if you asked me.) but I still fought. I thought this world was just a place where we control the weather. However, that isn't the case. There are times we will be in a fight for our lives one day.

Once I saw a demon try attacking me, I kicked them and shot them in the face with a holy bullet. I was so scared, I may be good at fighting but it still isn't a thing for me. Archangel said I should join the army because of it. I said I'd think about it, on the other hand, I wanted to say I didn't want to because I really hate hurting people, just if only I could say that."

After reading it showed a drawing of me and Windy together, smiling.

I look at the other page

"After that war of events, Windy told me if I was okay, I was crying, with knees on the grass. I told her I didn't want to hurt anybody anymore. She told me it was over and held me close to her, when we looked around our world, it was all in ruins, everyone started to get to work as soon as possible. "We need to do our job no matter how bad the situation is." That's always what Windy tells me.

Which reminds me... I think this was the day when Clouds first came to our world... He flew where we were, telling him: "who are you?" Because we've never recognized him before in Season land. He wanted to know the same question as us, However, Clouds explained he's sent from above from our world to work here or something.

We believed him and all of us worked away to rebuild our world.

I think about 2 months we rebuild all of the damage from the demon attack, Archangel was suspicious about Clouds suddenly appearing to our world so he spoke with the rest of the Archangels if they send him down to Season land. I didn't know what happened next because Archangel said it's none of my business."

I heard laughter outside my window, making me jump. I swiftly closed my book and held it tight.

"I didn't know you had a dairy Rain." Clouds said, putting his two hands on his below cheeks and two elbows on the bottom rails of my window. "How much did you read?" I asked, standing up and backing up while holding my book away from him.

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