Chapter 2: What started it all pt.2

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Ariella's POV
I feel the suns warmth on my face.
I slowly rise up and I frown slightly not seeing Crystal anywhere.

"She must be up getting breakfast already, lord knows how much that girl likes to eat." I say while giggling slightly.

Suddenly my top warriors voice rings in my head. "Your majesty intruders."

I yawn," yea I'll take care of it in a sec."

"It's to early in the morning for this I think."
As I speed walk to the location of the intruders.

I get to where the intruders are but before I can see them I yawn again while saying "I suggest you leave now or I'll spare you." I rub my eyes while I start dozing off again standing up.

"Ari." I hear a weak voice say.
My eyes shoot open and I see Crystal with a dagger to her throat. I don't have to think for a second longer before I'm running full speed towards Crystal but not even werewolf speed is fast enough. As soon as I reach her I see as the world slows down. Her throat being slit. And her eyes draining of life.  I then hear the faintest "I love you." Go through my head.

I snapped. Humanity killed my whole family and I lost faith in the world and I slowly became darker day by day. But Crystal was like my sunshine making all the darkness go away.

What would happen if the sun suddenly disappeared. Well chaos of course. And that's exactly what happened.

Without even knowing what I'm doing I reached deep inside myself and unlocked all my power. You see the power I have now is only a quarter of it. Because the darkness of the power would make me loose control.

Thanks to Crystal I was able to gain control and lock the power inside of me. But the lock has been broken.

The world suddenly went dark. Big storm clouds could be seen over head.

I could hear the people in the background saying "what's happening I thought killing Crystal would make her weaker."

Oh how they were wrong, people thought that by killing Crystal I would be weaker, but what they don't know is that she was the one keeping me weak all along she's the reason why I always held back.

People where probably creeped out because I was completely still holding crystals dead body.

I stood up slowly.  I said in a deep demonic voice that wasn't my own anymore.
"Where are you from and who sent you to do this." I said painstakingly calmly

"W-we're from Adaralans empire, we were sent here to kill her to get to you."

That's all I needed, faster than the speed of light i took off all their heads. All of a sudden I was in Adaralans empire. "Teleportation... that's new." I said with a smirk. I really wasn't in control anymore, the darkness took over and is in control.

I casually make my way across their territory. I see guards mind linking intruder but their killed instantly. The empire has about half a billion people and they are all going to die.

I don't care about that innocent children and woman nonsense. Because Crystal was innocent, she was the ray of light on a sunny day with her brilliant smile she was the only good thing in this world and now she's gone.

It took approximately 8 hours to kill every human or werewolf living in this empire.

I didn't feel a single bit of remorse as I ripped to shreds the empire. I was soaked in the blood of children, woman, and men. And I didn't feel bad remotely.

It actually felt good tearing through the bones of other things, hearing their screams of agony. And begging to be spared. I made sure the king who ordered the death of Crystal a long agonizing death.

But I didn't stop there I continued to take over until I concord a whole other continent.

These events took place 5 years ago.

Present day
I was currently on my way to overtake another country. My hobbies now and days. My life seemed so bland without Crystal nothing else seemed to matter.

I watch as the men carry my things into the car. Yes, men are servants here. All men are. And it's been like this for centuries. I pretty much hated all men since they were the ones that killed my love. The weakest creatures on this planet managed to kill her.

I hop in the car and watch the trees go by. Another country, another day. I mumble

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