Chapter 26

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Heyyy guys how's it going with all of you. Did you like my cliff hanger? Oh one more thing I told my friend I'd give her a book a shout-out next time I updated, checkout readersunitee    her book is really good, you guys would really enjoy it :)

Ariese POV

"If I was I vampire king where would I go" I think aloud to myself. I shortly come up and with nothing. I have no idea how the vampire king thinks as my only interaction with him was from an hour ago. I start focusing so I can zero in on his power source since he is fairly strong. I then suddenly get a hit. "Jackpot."

Lucians POV

I wake up with a gasp. I start taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down. Crystal awakens soon after me.

"Holy shit, I totally thought we died what happened." Crystal shrugs.

"Good question" she says

I look down and observe the hole closing on my heart. How aren't we dead I think. "You can thank me for that" Micheal pipes up in the back of my head.

"And also it seems that she missed your heart just barely." Micheal adds. "That makes no sense there's no way she wouldn't know how to make a vital strike" I say out loud. "Unless..." I look at crystal with wide eyes.

"Ariella is still In there, she must have managed to regain enough control to slightly move her hands away from anything vital without Ariese noticing." I exclaim to crystal. Her eyes widen in realization.

"You're right, our queen is still in there." She says her eyes twinkling with hope.

"The question is how do we get her back?" I state

"Well we don't have much time before she tracks down the vampire king, first we have to figure out how to capture her."i continue.

"She out powers us right now even if we use, the help of our other selves ." Crystal acknowledges

"So we have to capture her some other way without using force." I say

"We have to out smart her." We say at the same time.

"I have an idea."

Ariese POV

The power trail leads me to a warehouse. I eye it up and down suspiciously. This is definitely a trap. I look at what company this warehouse belongs too. And it seems like it belongs to the company Demetrious has. This has to be a trap. I warily make may way Into the large building i see shelves upon shelves of boxes. It's also very dusty and I try not to sneeze.

"Hello, come out where ever you're hiding king"

Suddenly the lights flick on. And I see demetrious tied up in a chair. I raise an eyebrow questionably.
The vampire king then comes out of nowhere with a smug expression on his face. He then suddenly holds a knife up to Demi's throat.

"Leave me alone or your friend here will die.I remember seeing you together on tv."
I let out a sigh, "do you really think I care what you do with him." Demetrious eyes widen and I can see him trying to talk through the tape over his mouth. The vampire king rips it off.

"It looks like your friend has some last words."

"Ariella please help me." He says his eyes widened in fear.

I tilt my head, he still thinks I'm Ariella I think to myself. I see the king raise the knife to his neck getting ready to slice it. Something moves in my heart that I'm unaware of.

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