Chapter:10 plotwist

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Ariella's POV
A couple months go bye with my mate by my side. I feel myself growing attached to him every day and I won't lie that alone terrifies me. But having someone be there for me is like a breath of fresh air.

Life seems to be going smoothly, and I feel... happy?

"Whatcha thinking about." My mates voice snaps me out of my trance. I glance up at him through my eyelashes and I see the look of loving in his eyes that I will never get tired of seeing.

"Life." I say softly.

"Hmmm." He says and cuddles into me further. I purr at the feeling.

All of a sudden a voice rings in my head, your majesty intruders. Here we go again I think to myself. I hop out the bed and notice the sun is still setting.

"There's intruders." I tell Lucian as he jumps out the bed. He looks at me worriedly.

I scoff. "I promise I won't lose it." I say slightly irritated

"I know you aren't because I'm going with you." He says strongly

I growl,"no you're not." He can't go I won't let anything happen to him.

"I'm going, end of discussion." He says abruptly.

I growl, and I feel the darkness that has seemingly disappeared churn within. He looks up at me and notices this. He sighs.

"Ari.." he says

I turn my head away trying to control my breathing.

He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise." He says softly.

Hearing those words I calm down some.

"Fine but if I see it getting even remotely out of hand you have to get out of there."

He smiles," okay."

I put on my coat and say "let's go."

When I get outside I see 5 figures in black cloaks and that's it. I scoff at this non sense.

"Do you not know who I am, I'm the most powerful person in this world and you bring five people." I can't help out another laugh. " I feel like I should be offended." I snicker.

The one in the middle who looks like the leader speaks. "Oh we are very aware of your power which is why we brought your greatest weakness." The figure says.

At this I start hysterically laughing I have no other weakness besides Lucian so I don't know what they are going on about.

Lucian comes up behind me and says "babe stop making fun of them that's not nice." He says while laughing obviously not serious.

The one in the middle tenses and faces towards my mate. All of a sudden the air shifts. When an arrow is lunged start at Lucians head. He catches it just in time.

And thats all it takes, someone attacking my mate. For the darkness that buried its self inside me to be released in full fury. I lunge with Lucian following close behind.

We've taken out most of the people with the leader and one other left. I just finished the the last guy when the leader suddenly lunges for Lucian with his back turned to the leader. I watch in horror as I see the person pull out a dagger ready to stab it into his unknowing back.

I roar and move faster than the speed of light, i won't let this happen again. I tackle the person into the ground when they're centimeters away from stabbing Lucian

We tumble onto the ground. The person quickly jumps up. As do I my eyes bleeding red at the thought of my mate almost getting killed. I growl angrily. And the person seems unfazed.

"Still such a big temper I see." The person says.

I growl not feeling like talking we exchange a punches before I finally overwhelm them.

I hold the person up by the neck and hold up my razor sharp claws ready to slice the person's head off.

"Where's this secret weapon you were telling me about, or my greatest weakness." I mock while smirking evilly.

"Whatever it is you better pull it out now because your about to die." The only only reason why I let the person live this long is because I was somewhat curious to what my supposed weakness was.

Lost in thought I didn't notice the person raising there hand. I was expecting a spell to be cast but im surprised when the person hands starts reaching for there hood.

"Well, your greatest weakness..."The figure says while pulling of its hood.

I blink, not really understanding wth is happening. I drop the person and gasp, falling onto my But starting up at them.

"Is me." The person continues while smiling brightly.

Everything around me disappears I completely forget about Lucian as I stare into those beautiful stormy gray eyes.

"C-Crystal..." I croak out in a voice barely above a whisper. I back up against the wall. Absolutely terrified looking at the girl who I loved and thought was dead standing in front of me.

She walks up in front of me and crouches down in front of me.

I pull me knees up to my chest I close my eyes tightly. "It's, not real, it's , not real." I tell myself over and over again waiting for my self to wake up from this terrible dream. I feel I hand touch mine and I fill the tingles that shoot through me from the touch.

The hand lifts up mine and guides my hand to a cheek. I soft cheek that's feels real. That's impossible. I close my eyes even tighter if that's even possible.

"My beautiful queen, please look at me, I want to see those eyes that I've come to love."

I slowly open my eyes and I look at the face intently trying to find any flaw that might indicate that this isn't real.
I rub the cheek with my thumb slightly.

And I feel my wolf jump into this person's mind. I feel my wolf jumping around with the other person's wolf proving that is indeed Crystal.

A tear followed by a strangled sob escapes my mouth as a struggle to find words. I'm starting to panic I can feel it coming on then all of a sudden a pair of warm lips meet mind. And I feel instantly calm. My insides warm. And the rest of my emotions come flooding back.

She pulls away and smiles slightly.

Then out of nowhere a powerful growl erupts startling me. In a flash Crystal is thrown of me by Lucian. Shit I forgot about him. They then start fighting Crystal easily matching his blows. I watch for a second not knowing what to do.

I finally snap out of it and go to separate them. I lodge myself between them holding them apart with each arm and them still furiously snapping at each other.

"What did you do my mate, what trance did you put her in." Lucian screams.

I hit him on the back of the head so he can call down. They both settle down I look at Crystal who's skin is still deathly pale but with some slight red in her cheeks from anger and her thick straight black hair is all over the place.

"Now that you two have calmed down." I say my voice surprisingly calm even though I'm breaking on the inside.

I don't think you two have officially met.

"Lucian this is Crystal." His eyebrows fury in confusion and then in realization.

"Crystal this is Lucian my mate." Her eyes widen with an un known emotion.

And then I pass out... again.

TeHe. How'd you like the plotwist. There's gonna be a lot of drama from now on in this love triangle.
Don't be a silent reader and comment or vote. Lots of love- JordanMarine322

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