Chapter 3

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Lucian's POV:

I wake up in absolute pain. I have a couple broken ribs and a concussion. That's what happens when your an omega.

My name is Lucian and I am a male omega in the Star Valley Pack.

I hear my alarm blasting and slowly get up and get dressed for today's daily chores. First thing I have to do is make everyone breakfast.

I make my way down stairs slowly and start cooking pancakes. Slowly the pack starts heading in. All the males have their heads down while the woman are lively and chatty.

My delusional wolf is always growling in the back of my mind. For some reason my wolf has  convinced himself that he's a god and is stronger than every wolf. Including females.
Hell, he thinks he's stronger than the queen herself . Which I think is ridiculous, my wolf must've been traumatized from the constant years of abuse.

The strange thing is no one has ever been able to get my wolf to submit. Females are able to get any male wolves to submit... except mine. Even the Alpha female couldn't. You see wolf power is suppose to correspond with the human sides power. And I'm absolutely weak.
One time my wolf convinced me to fight back and I ended up almost dead.

But because my wolf refused to submit and can't be submitted they just beat me instead.

"Oh joy."

I was so lost in thought I didn't realize the room suddenly became quite. And I realize it's because our Alpha is speaking.

"I've just gotten word that the Demon Queen is coming to overthrow our pack." The Alpha says.

We are going to go without a fight and pray she spares us.

My wolf growls in the back of my mind not liking the idea of his pack, no matter how horrible they may be, being threatened.

I gulp upon hearing these words. I open my special kind of food. Males can't eat regular food for some reason. It's literally against the law. Each male has a special kind of food designated to him based on strength.

My pack walks outside in lines according to rank and we wait for the queen to arrive.  Soon I see black limo coming up and that's it. "Does she expect to beat us by herself." I thought in wonder.

No one else seemed to be questioning this. Since I'm an omega I'm left out of news happening around the world. I don't even know why she's called the demon queen. "Maybe because she's hideous my wolf thought." I snickered at the thought.

I watched carefully as someone got out of the car.

What I saw left my mouth open. A beautiful girl that didn't look above the age of 18 steps out of the car. She had a mess of curly brown hair. She had cute plump pink pouty lips. She had pretty light chocolate skin. And her curves. Oh my god. They were to die for.
Surely that couldn't be the queen, maybe just an advisor or something.
She made her way up to my Alpha and as she did my Alpha went on her knees and bowed.

"Your highnesses we wish not to fight you, we hand our pack over to you so please spare us."

I was baffled my overly arrogant Alpha was literally shaking and pissing her pants.

So this was the queen. I went over her flawless features agains and there's something that stood out that I didn't notice the last time. Her eyes. They were black and soulless. She didn't appear to be alive. I swallowed nervously

The queen put her hand on her chin as if she was thinking. And said

"Well I suppose since I'm in a fairly good mood today I just might spare you." She said without a hint of remorse. Like are lives meant nothing.

I could feel me wolf get angry at this disrespect. "Oh no, oh no no no no no."
I told my wolf , trying to keep him suppressed. But my desperate tries to keep him at bay was futile.

I felt myself be pushed back to the recesses of my mind.  My wolf growled a low growl. All eyes were on me. "Great." I thought.

The queens eyes snapped open to me and she narrowed them.

She was in front of me in a blink of an eye.
"And who do you think you are, you pathetic male."

My wolf growled louder and I could feel him loosing it. I guess years of being looked down upon made him snap.

All of a sudden her hand was on my neck in a flash in a motion that seemed like she was going to rip my head off.

But I felt the most amazing sensation and sparks. My wolf instantly calmed down. And started purring. I was so lost.

"What the hell was happening." All of a sudden I heard what word came out of her mouth.

"Mate" she said,

My wolf started jumping up and down "it's mate, it's mate. I noticed her eyes soften and become I beautiful golden brown before they were back to black. Next thing i know her hands are on the back of my shirt and she's dragging me to her limo.

She calls out,"your pack will be spared today." Right before throwing me In the car and her getting in herself.

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