Chapter 24

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Haha... hi guysss ik I said I'd update in 2 weeks, two months ago... yeahhhh sorry about that. Anyway, you can thank one of your fellow readers for this update. They kind of told me off in the comments LMAO, nevertheless if I ever take to long to update just cuss me out In the comments, it proves to be effective, but on with the story. Also I got this weird Grammarly keyboard thing, so it fixes my grammar mistakes and stuff, but sometimes it makes mistakes and changes words that don't need to be changed, so if you see any weird sentences that's why.


I quickly teleport outside of the house, far away into the middle of nowhere. I take a deep breath as the energy ripples through my body. What to do, what to do, I think to myself. The wonder twins are going to try to stop me and at the moment they can. Though my power is returning, it's returning slowly. I can't fight them now, not like this. If only my power would recover faster.

"Well, maybe it can," Lillian says as her voice echoes through my head.

What? how I voice to her speaking out loud. "If you originate from the source of our power, it should speed up the process." Okay? Where is the source then? I ask Lillian.

"Hell." She simply states. I abruptly stand up.

"Are you serious," I say in a whisper.

"Of course." She says.


"How do we get there," I say excitedly.

"You teleport." Lillian states.

I start imaging how the hell would look like in my mind and will myself into the Image. I feel a swoosh, and I open my eyes with a gasp as power starts rushing in me at a startling rate. I look around as eyes stop on a beatific castle that seems to be made out of black crystals. It's beautiful, I think, as I start walking forward.

"Stop, who goes there." A guard says.

I smirk. "This place worst nightmare," I state before breaking the guard's neck and making my way towards the doors of the castle. I feel strangely drawn to it, and Lillian has been weirdly quiet. I push the doors open and feel a sense of nostalgia. I continue walking through killing guards left and right. By this point, alarms are blaring, but I ignore them. I finally stop in front of a set of massive double doors, and I sense strong powers behind them. I shove them open making my presence known as my eyes automatically lock on what seems to be a family. I see two men both around my age and another man and woman that appears to be the mother and father. They all have black hair except the woman whose hair is flaming red.

"Who the fuck are you." One of the boys around me age snaps.

My eyes snap to him, not liking his tone. 

"I suggest you say that nicer before I kill everyone in here." I snarl at him. Why I didn't kill them on the spot is beyond me. Whoever this family is, seems sad, like they're missing someone, and my heart tugs at the thought. I'm in demon form so me caring about anything is extremely odd.

"Enough of whatever this is, give me your palace and maybe I'll spare you're lives." I yell confidently snapping out of whatever i was feeling. One of the boys around my age puts their fork down, and before I can blink he's in front of me with his hand wrapped around my neck.

"Who do you think you are, walking into our home, killing our guards, and disturbing our family meal, and why shouldn't I kill you right now." He spits out venom lacing his tone. I roll my eyes.

"Blah, blah save me the lecture for another time." I say annoyed. I quickly flip him over so I have my arm wrapped around his neck, and I apply pressure attempting to end his life but I can't bring myself to. I clench my teeth in annoyance. Everyone here looks at me with wide eyes, like it's a shock I was able to subdue the guy I have in a choke hold. The other one gets up and within a second knocks me off the other guy. The other guy is much more durable. He quickly starts attacking me with full intent to kill me. The other one joins in, and I find it hard to keep up. I know I'm not at full power, but damn, who are these people. Suddenly I'm caught off guard, and one of them can grab and hold me in place. Without hesitation, the other pulls out a dagger and is about to plunge into my chest. I stare at him with my eyes burning with rage as his hand comes down about to stab me. But suddenly stops. His eyes widen, you can tell he's surprised with himself.

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