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Those eyes, they've seen too much, in such a short time. They glow with hidden pain, held back over years. Even before Hogwarts, why didn't I see that before? Albus put him with Petunia, of all people. What on earth was he thinking?Tuney, what did you do? Albus had Arabella watching the house, he had to have known. There's no way he didn't know, he can't be that oblivious. Hari had to have suffered, it makes sense with those memories I saw in his fifth year. I failed her. I promised I would protect him, and I failed. Let me have another chance, please...


Bright... It wasn't this bright, was it? Where...

Managing to peel my eyes open, despite the blinding light, I see I'm not in the shrieking shack anymore. Thank god. The room I'm in instead, is neutral. Like a waiting room of some kind. Looking around, figures begin to blink into focus, 7 people who are somehow, familiar. 5 of the 7 are cloaked, but seem to be glowing slightly. The other two look normal, surprisingly. Wait... is that?

"Lily?" Throats still torn to shreds then, lovely. 'Least I can still talk, for the most part. Even though it hurts to all Morgana. Note to self, avoid injuring neck again, not ideal. Focus Severus!

"Sev!" Lily, it's actually her, rushes forward. "I'm so sorry I didn't trust your judgement! Of course, you were right, you always are with these things."

"Lils! His neck is still torn, be careful."

Potter? I'm not even mad. They both look so young.

"Thanks for noticing, we're killing it in the afterlife."

"I... can't believe it. I die, and one of the first things I hear is a pun. A terrible one" Of course he would, wouldn't be Potter otherwise... "What are you talking about, Li?"

"Everything! Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Tom, the Order." Albus? What about- Of course! But why would she...

"You mean the thing I said in second year, 'bout Dumbledore's magic? 'Cause I can't see what that..." And I'm slipping back into the accent, lovely... What does she mean though....

Of course! It is weird how he, supposedly, switched views and then Grindelwald when mad. How he talked to Tom a lot, then Tom randomly killed Myrtle. How he sent me back, Tom back... Hari back.

"He wanted puppets, people he could control, and act as a kind friend or mentor for... He took advantage of our weaknesses. Grindelwald's love for him, Tom's want for a family, my tendency for the Dark Arts, Hari's wish to be loved. He wanted Dark Lords, and people to fight against them. Chess pieces... He claimed to be the white side but manipulated both sets equally. If only that was harder to believe."

"We wanted it to be less believable as well, Snape. But after what he did to our son..." What did he do to Hari? How bad was Tuney? "It's...horrible, Snape. I don't want to say it. Can I just show you the memories?"

"I could scan your mind if you wish. I'd be able to see what you've been told as well, save time." At Potter's nod, I place a hand to his temple. He's so obviously confused, it would almost be cute if I was into short hair and glasses. Magic begins to flow through my veins, expanding through his mind as gently as possible. Don't want to scare him now, do we? He's confused, and if I startle him, he might react. Like a deer in headlights. After a few moments, I pull back, helping him up. I begin to go through the memories. There they are... No. No, Tuney wouldn't. But she would... Of course, she would. I'll kill her, and that walrus of a husband.

"You can't, Sev. James and I tried to change their minds, but those five kept saying it was necessary to stop Albus. Use them against him, they said"

Use them against him? Of course, the evidence of the abuse would get them locked up. But, it would be much easier if I just stopped Hari from going to them at all. That would be easier.

"That's why you need me for this, isn't it? It needs Slytherin insight for this plan to work. Along with the fact that your deaths probably are set in stone."

"Yes. So, will you do this Snape? You'll be sent back a week and a half before Regulus dies. And you'll be able to save him but only on that day. Any earlier and things will be wrecked. You'll be at your house when you go back, given a task of brewing, as usual. The potions will already be done, so you don't actually have to work on them unless you want to."

"You know you didn't need to ramble, I'm already in. I know the plan as I kind of looked into your mind, so don't worry about retelling me." He clearly didn't appreciate the sass and nodded to the figure, who I now recognised as Death. How sweet, Death came to see me. They clicked their fingers, and the floor disappeared from under me.

If any of you are confused or anything, feel free to comment. I have another account, @CharaXFNAF and I wrote and published this there. It's not complete, only at chapter 3 so if you want, you can read ahead but it'll be on here as well, and I'll be updating on here from now on. I'm completely moving my stories here now, and I'm going to keep the other account for reading. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far, and I hope you will continue to enjoy it. Love you guys, Peace out!

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