Chapter 1: First Day of 4th Year

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It was the beginning of the 4th year for Harry, Ron, and Hermione and they were all very excited to go back to Hogwarts. They were told that something special was going to happen that year by Mr. Weasly.

As they boarded the Hogwarts Express, they all went to a cart together talking about the year to come. They were also told that there was going to be a new D.A.D.A. teacher and they hoped that they would be as good as Professor Lupin. While on the way to Hogwarts Harry noticed a blonde head walk past his compartment. 'That's weird... Malfoy doesn't usually come past our compartment' He thought. Harry decided to get up and see where he was going, his curiosity got the best of him.

"Where are you going, Harry?" Asked Hermione and Ron in unison, blushing.

"I just need to get up, take a walk. My legs are killing me."

"Okay, just be careful..." Replied Hermione.

Harry opened the door to the compartment and continued after Malfoy. None of his cronies were with him. Harry thought that was weird but ignored it.

Malfoy continued to walk looking in each compartment, probably searching for his friends and other Slytherins. Harry kept a steady pace behind Malfoy, making sure he wasn't going to be seen. Malfoy took a look in one last compartment and finally spotted his friends. He opened the door and slid inside. Harry stopped dead in his tracks, thought a moment, and started walking back to his compartment.

As Harry walked back to his compartment he was lost in thought. 'Why must he be so distracting' thought Harry. 'This year is going to suck with him around, especially since he keeps invading my thoughts.' All Harry could think about was Malfoy, he brushed it off, and entered his compartment.

"How was the walk, mate?" Asked Ron

"It was nice, except I saw Malfoy."

"Ugh, Malfoy. That probably ruined the whole walk."

Harry thought a moment and then responded, "I suppose so."


The trio was finally at Hogwarts listening to the sorting. As Profesor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat atop the last first years head it yelled out "GRYFFINDOR!" and all of the Gryffindors cheered. It was time for Professor Dumbledore's speech, which he did every year. He explained all of the stuff that the first years needed to know and then cleared his throat.

"As you may or may not know, we have a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Let me introduce Professor Moody to you all!" Loud claps echoed through the hall. "There is also something else that is very special this year. We will be housing the Triwizard Tournament! There hasn't been one in nearly 200 years because of safety reasons." Whispers had crowded the hall. "And for your safety, students below the age of 17 cannot compete." Many students groaned and complained. Harry was happy for he couldn't get entered. "You will be competing against 2 other champions from different schools while doing 3 different tasks. If you would like to be a champion you must put your name in this goblet" Snape held the goblet up for everyone to see. "If you are underage and try to put your name in, there will be consequences. Now, you may feast!"

Food appeared in front of all the students and they began eating. Harry thought this was going to be a better year because he couldn't possibly get his name picked out of the goblet because he was too young.

Draco Malfoy and his friends at the Slytherin table talking about the Triwizard tournament.

"You know, somehow Potter is going to be entered into the tournament" Draco teased.

"Maybe he will, considering his luck" Sneered Pansy.

"Yeah, maybe..." Said Blaise dreamily.

"Who or what are you looking at Blaise" Cooed Pansy. "Does someone have a crush?"

Blaise snapped out of his trance, "What? No. Why would you think that?"

"He does have a crush!" Exclaimed Draco. "So, who is she?"

"Well for one, she is not a girl." This was not a shock to his friends because Blaise came out as Bi last year.

"Well. What house is HE in?" Asked Pansy while Draco was staring into the distance, not paying attention to the conversation at this point.

"Yeah, Blaise..." Said Draco, still in the trance.

Blaise blushed and turned away, continuing with his food. Pansy snapped her fingers in front of Draco's face, he turned, "What?"

"And who were you staring at?" Asked Pansy.

"No one special."

"Then wh-"

Pansy got cut off by Dumbledore getting up and telling everyone to go to their common rooms. Everyone started to stand up and head to their rightful common rooms. Draco was very thankful for Dumbledore for he was staring directly at none other than Harry Potter. Draco had been lost in thoughts of how attract- No, he told his mind, that is NOT what you think of that prick.

Draco got up and started heading to the Slytherin common room. 


At both boys common rooms, they were thinking of each other. Harry was deep in thought of Draco's looks, trying to make him seem ugly and terrible in his mind. He couldn't find a way to make him ugly but Draco was obviously a terrible person. That replaced Harrys thoughts and he completely forgot about Draco's looks. Draco was coming up with excuses for himself starring at Harry Potter with awe and trying to transform that to hate.


(A/N: Please tell me if you enjoyed the first chapter! There is a lot more to come, and I am expecting this to be very long considering it will be within 3 of the books. I will not drag on every chapter about one thing only. This was just the begging. I am thinking about writing Harry's first lessons and how they went, and then soon after him being picked from the cup. What I decided was that Harry and Draco will start having more advanced feelings while the tournament is happening and they will be aware and some other stuff in between. I will try my best to get a new chapter up everyday. The next chapters will be a lot better than this one, I promise. Thank you for reading! This is my very first fanfic and I hope you like it!)

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