Chapter 5: The Yule Ball

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{Draco's POV:}

As I get ready for the Yule Ball Pansy walks into the bathroom. She looks at me in the mirror and smiles.

"You clean up well Draco."

"Thank you. You look lovely as well." She smiled.

I was touching up my hair and she left to wait for me outside the bathroom. While doing my hair I was deep in thought. I suddenly realized that I didn't have any attraction towards Pansy anymore, I just thought of her as a friend. She really wasn't that pretty and didn't have the best personality.

When I finished up I walked out and she latched onto my arm. We leave the common room and proceed to the ball.

We walk into the hall and wait with everyone for the music to start and the champions to walk in.

The doors open and the hall becomes silent. The champions start walking in. I look over each champion and- Is that Granger!? She is walking with Victor Krum. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Then I see Harry walk into the hall with Parvati Patil. He looks absolutely dashing. I start to look at Patil. She is way to close to Harry. I start to get jealous. That bitch shouldn't even be with him at all. She isn't worthy enough of my- of Harry. They were all now in the room and in their spots. Soon after music starts playing and they start dancing. Patil gets very close to Harry. He tries to back off a little but she is insisting they stay close. I get angry but I get pulled away from their dancing by an angry Pansy wanting to dance. I give her my hand and she accepts it. We start dancing but I am not looking at her. My eyes are locked on Harry and Patil. Every one of their steps makes me more and more jealous. I should be dancing with Harry, not that slut. No Draco, you want to dance with Pansy. And besides, Harry wouldn't want to dance with you. I kept arguing with my head before I couldn't take it anymore. I stopped.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Sorry, it's hot and stuffy in here. I just need some air. Can you stay with Blaise?"

"Oh, okay." She pouted.

I walked out of the hall and shot a glance at Harry. He seemed to see it and nodded. I saw him talking with Patil and then Weasley. He started walking towards me. I realize what's happening and I exit the hall. I wait for him. He approaches me and I grab his hand. He seemed a little flustered by my action. I start pulling him outside. I look for a spot that we shouldn't be able to be seen. I find a little area behind some bushes and I pull him in.

"What's this about? Why are we here?"

"I just needed to talk. I needed to get away from Pansy." He nodded. "Why the hell did you come to the ball with that slut? She gets way to close to you when you dance and when you stop."

He blushed a little and said, "What? Is someone jealous?"

My face is burning hot. I suddenly realize someone could hear us and cast a silencing charm around us.

"So no one could hear us."

"Ah, okay. And why did you go with Parkinson? She's not a very good dancer and she's not very pretty." He got a little red.

"We came as friends, Potter. And besides, who else would go with me?"

Harry got redder if it was even possible.


The music was still audible from where we were.

I put my hand out and said, "May I have this dance?" He looked shocked at my gesture but took it. I put my hand in his and the other on his waist. He put his other hand on my shoulder.

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