Chapter 4: The First Task

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{Dracos's POV:}

Today was the first task and I was very nervous for Harry. I knew the task was dragons and how dangerous that could be for him.

Everyone was in the dining hall eating breakfast. I look up to see Harry staring at his food, not eating it. He needs his energy.

I stare at him until he realizes someone is looking at him. He looks up and I shot a glance at his food. He sighs and starts eating. I don't look back down at my food until he eats all of his.

I think he will do fine because we practiced so hard.

Pansy nudged me. "Wouldnt be surprised if Potter dies on this first task."

"I bet he won't last 10 minutes," Blaise said.

"I bet he won't last 5!" Pansy sneered.

"I bet he'll last the whole damn thing. I'll put 10 galleons into that bet." I said. I couldn't contain myself, I have to admit I was a little angry.

They looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Deal," They said in unison. We shook on it and continued eating our breakfast.

When everyone was done Dumbledore asked for all of the champions to get ready. They all stood and headed out of the hall.

After a couple more minutes he asked for all of the students to stand and start heading towards the Quidditch pitch. Pansy, Blaise, and I get up and start walking.

As we enter worry falls over me. Is Harry going to be okay? I hope he doesn't get to hurt I think to myself.

We sit down close to the front row and we have pretty good seats. There is a tent off to the side which I assume the champions are in. While I examine the tent I see familiar bushy brown hair enter.

Granger, I immediately notice her. Why is Granger in the champions tent? I start to get angry and jealous. Why can't I go to the champions tent I think. I soon realize what I am doing and stop. Harry is allowed to have other friends too.

I see her exit the tent and Bagman steps out and tells everyone that the first task is about to begin. Just then Cedric Diggory exited the tent while they brought in and chained down the first dragon.


It was now Harry's turn to get the golden egg from the dragon. He had the most dangerous of them all, a Hungarian Horntail. I was on the edge of my seat praying that he would be okay. He gets out on the pitch and the dragon starts attacking him.

He doesn't do anything for a couple of minutes. You imbecile Accio your broom! I think. He takes his wand out and casts something. Nothing happened. He continued to dodge the dragon as his broom flys out of nowhere.

He mounts his broom and is off. He weaves around the dragon's attacks trying to get the egg. Then a loud CRACK echoed throughout the stadium. The dragon snapped the chain that it was on and was now flying after Harry.

Come on Harry! Please don't die. I was very scared.

"Why do you look so worried Draco?" asked Pansy.

"He's going to die!"

"Oh, yes I almost forgot about our little bet."

I relax a little because I had almost let it slip that I actually cared for Harry. I look back to the battle and see Harry swoop down and grab the egg. He holds it up triumphantly.

"He did it! Pay up losers!" Both Blaise and Pansy groaned and handed me the 10 galleons each. I was relieved that Harry was okay and did very well.

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