Chapter 9: Weekend Together (Pt. 2)

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{Draco's POV:}

Harry and I decided to do the same thing today for Hogsmeade and sneak in together. I woke up suddenly to Blaise's voice.

"Mate, wake up! You told me you wanted to leave early for Hogsmeade and you never got up. You better hurry if you want to be 10 minutes early." Panic flushed over me. I had slept in on accident and missed breakfast. I got up and took the fastest shower of my life. I threw some clothes on and decided to leave my hair how it was because I didn't have time to fix it up. I quickly walked down to the dining hall and turned towards the oh so familiar bathroom. I walked in and Harry was sitting there.

"Oh, Draco! I didn't think you would show up because you weren't at breakfast."

"Yeah sorry about that, I slept in on accident." He looked me up and down. My hair was still damp from my shower and he giggled a little.

"I can tell." He gestured towards my damp, untamed hair. "You should keep your hair like that more often. I like it." He smiled brightly and I felt like someone just let 1,000 butterflies go wild in my stomach. Did he just compliment me? What the fuck is this feeling? He was now blushing a ruby color and looked down. I realized I never answered him.

"T-thank you. You look lovely as well." He furrowed his brows and looked back up with a gaze I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"I never look lovely, but thank you Draco." I started to get angry. Why would anyone think that way, especially the most beautiful man on the planet? Fuck I did it again. I keep thinking about Harry that way. Damn it. 

"Bullshit!" He got startled by the tone of my voice, "You are the most beautiful and handsome man on this god damn planet. Don't you ever fucking say that again, Harry Potter. Never." He nodded his head and started to nervously play with his fingers in response. What did I just say- He hugged me.

"Thank you. Thank you, Draco. Thank you for being the light in my darkness." He hugged me tighter and started sobbing onto my shoulder. I comforted him as much as I could and hugged him with all the love in me. We were still hugging and he looked at me with his gorgeous tear-filled eyes. He was a couple inches shorter than I was and was looking up at me. I took my hand from around his waist (when did they get there?) and wiped the tears from his eyes. He smiled and buried his head in my chest and I hugged him tighter. I realized after a couple of minutes that we were going to be late to go to Hogsmeade for our date. Date. I liked that word.

I leaned my head to his ear and whispered, "We should really get going if you want to go to Hogsmeade." He looked up into my eyes and nodded. He held me tight for a second and let go.

"How about we just drape the cloak over us and sneak in together?" He suggested. I smiled in response and he took the cloak and put it over us. I immediately reached for his hand and he squeezed my hand in approval. We walked out together and towards Hogsmeade. As we entered Hogsmeade I got very cold and started to shake. Harry noticed and unlinked our hands taking off one of his jackets, it said 'Gryffindor' and had a lion above the letters.

"No, Harry I'm quite fine."

"You're shivering. Take it." He handed the jacket to me and I put it on. It smelled like Harry. I don't think I'll be returning this any time soon. I smiled at him and we laced our fingers back together.


{Harry's POV:}  

We laced our hands back together and began walking. It was a very cold day so I put on a lot of layers. I didn't get any colder when I took my jacket off and Draco looked a lot happier and warmer with it on. 

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