Chapter 6: The Second Task

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(A/N: There's going to be a lot of perspective changes in this chapter so sorry in advance.)

{Pansy's POV:}

I was very angry about last night. Why did Draco have to blow me off like that?! I need to take my anger out on someone but I don't want to hurt Draco. I know just the person.


"What do you want Pansy?"

"Come here, I have a plan." He groggily walked over to me.

"What is it?"

"I need to get my anger out on someone. Who better than Potter? This is what I was thinking..." I told Blaise about an amazing plan that was sure to make him break down. It was perfect. Now to conduct it without Draco knowing.

{Harry's POV:}

I was laying in bed all morning daydreaming about last night and I might miss breakfast. I decided to finally get up, get dressed, and go down to get some food. I get ready and leave the Gryffindor tower. As I walk through the hall I see people staring at me. It was more than usual. Then I realized they were laughing at something. At me. They all had pins on their shirts but I couldn't see what they said. I got closer to a couple of students and the pin read:

"Potter Stinks!

Support Cedric Diggory -- The Real Hogwarts Champion "

I looked around and most of the student body was wearing them, including some students from the other schools. I couldn't take it. It was too much. I ran through the halls to get to the familiar bathroom that I've grown to love. I have to stop just before it because Parkinson and Zabini were blocking the way.

"Like it Potter? They were made by us, pretty nifty design isn't it?"

I pushed through them trying to hold back tears. I run towards the bathroom and enter. I shut the doors and locked them. I walk to a wall and slide down it. I start to break down and cry. I just can't stop crying. I need someone but I can't just walk out and grab Draco and bring him in. People would be suspicious. So I just sit there and cry. My self-worth plummets and I decide I'm not going to classes today. Then I hear a bang and screaming. What is going on? I decided just to stay put.

{Draco's POV:}

I woke up later than usual but nonetheless I wanted to see Harry. I got up, changed and headed straight to the dining hall. As I walk through I hear people snickering about something. I choose to ignore it and head through the doors of the hall. I see that Harry isn't there and decide to go looking for him.

While I walk through the hall I begin to notice what people are snickering at. I get closer to some students and see a pin on their robes.

"Potter Stinks!

Support Cedric Diggory -- The Real Hogwarts Champion "

I fill with anger.

"Who gave you these?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Pansy and Blaise. Do you like them?" A small Slytherin answered.

"Thank you." And I brushed passed them to find those two bitches.

As I stormed through the halls I hexed anyone that was wearing those godawful pins. I finally spot the two idiots standing loud and proud. I storm up to them.

"Oh, Draco! Do you like them?" She smiles and shows off the pin.

"What the fuck you two! You are such imbeciles!" I scream. I take my wand out and hex them with a big bang. Everyone around screams.

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