Chapter 3: Four Champions

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{Draco's POV:}

"Hello, Malfoy."

"Oh, Potter hello."

He walked over to me and sat down. He didn't look like his usual self like something was bothering him.

"Hey since we're friends you can call me Harry." He gave a small smile. It looked forced.

"Okay, Harry. What's up? You seem very depressed."

He started breaking down into tears. I pull him into an embrace to comfort him. He sniffs and wipes his eyes.

"It's just, so hard for me lately. I need to tell you a few things about my life." I nod and he continues. 

"I live my with abusive Aunt and Uncle." I start to get angry, why would anyone want to hurt my Harry? He's not your Harry. Harry. Harry is amazing and- stop it. "Anyway recently they were calling me harsher names and when I did one thing wrong they would beat me." 

He started crying again. I was filled with anger. Those filthy muggles.

"I'll kill 'em..." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" He said through tears.

I blushed and said, "Nothing, nothing. You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

"But I do. I have to. You need to know."

Harry continued his story about the Dursleys. Every single word made me angry and wanting to kill them.

"Harry-" He abruptly stopped and looked at me. "You are not going to stay with those horrid muggles this summer. I will not let it happen. They'll bruise up your beautiful face."

He starred at me and I realized what I had let slip. I was probably as red as a tomato.

"Y-you can't stay with me. The manor would be dangerous for you."

"Then where could I stay?" He stopped crying and was looking at me with a serious face.

"You could probably stay with Weasel and mudblo-" Harry seemed to get angry as I started to say 'mudblood'. I realize my mistake, "Granger."

"Okay. There's still some more things I need to talk about."

I nod and he starts.

He rolls up his sleeves to his elbows. They are covered in scars. I stare in shock.

I don't let him say anything before I hug him. I can't believe he has done this to himself.

We let go and he starts explaining, "I started cutting when I was 11 and worse bullying went on at the Dursleys. Since they starved me I also started starving myself at school." He lifted up his shirt to show his stomach. It was very small and you could see his ribs.

"Oh, Harry. I'm sorry. I will make sure you eat at meal times. I promise."

"Draco, you don't have to" I relaxed when he said my name.

"No, I want to. I need to. You need to get healthier."

"Thank you, Draco. I really appreciate it." He grabbed my hand. A shock went through us and we both blushed and let go.

"We should get going. It's almost past curfew." We got up and started heading towards to exit, together.

We hugged and parted ways.


{Harry's POV:}

Today was the day that they were announcing who the champions were. All the schools were here who were going to compete.  After breakfast was over Dumbledor stood and cleared his throat.

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