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"I haven't even told mom that you're sleeping over oh my god."

Eunhye flung the door open as Renjun waddled in with a pillow tucked under his arm and a bag that seemed to store his entire room. He plopped down onto the sofa face first and sighed.

"Eun- Oh what are you doing here, Renjun?"

Jisung came out of his room with a bag of chips and a headset on his head. Renjun assumed Jisung was gaming with his friends because he was screaming through the microphone attached to the head piece.

"Also, you know how I said its a sleepover right? Yeah scratch that I'm staying at your house now."

The room went silent, and only one word escaped Eunhye's mouth.


"Your mom loves me anyways, right Mrs Park?"

Eunhye's mother peeked from the kitchen and gave Renjun a wink as he winked back cheekily.

Eunhye groaned and smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand, she yanked Renjun up from the sofa and dragged him to her room. She pulled out the mattress that was shoved at the back of her wardrobe and laid it out beside her bed.

"Why can't I sleep in the guest room?"

"For the last time Renjun, it's not a guest room it's my dad's office."

Renjun plopped his bag onto the floor and laid down on the mattress, starring at the ceiling full of glow-in-the-dark stars. Eunhye squeezed onto the mattress with him and laid on her stomach, with her chin rested on the back of her hand.

"Why did you decide to come live her?"

Renjun's eyes widened as he tried to look for an answer.

"My dad kicked me out."

"Were you being a sassy bitch to him?"

"Uh yeah!"

It came out sounding happier than expected, but Eunhye didn't seem to notice.

"Its like, 12 AM already and we have school tomorrow."

"Yeah I know, so get off my bed so that I can go to sleep."

Eunhye scoffed when Renjun pushed her off the mattress.

"I wonder who was the one who decided to live at my house without permission."

Eunhye muttered and plopped onto her bed, and without even getting under her covers, she fell asleep, with loud snores escaping her mouth.

"Aish, she snores like a pig."

The words were harsh and insulting, but his soft smile contrasted his words as he watched Eunhye sleep peacefully.

He got up into sitting position and leaned over. He had this urge to do something a best friend would never do.

So in one swift movement, he brushed away the stray hairs covering her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'll protect you."

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