Chapter 1

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I didn't even want to come to this stupid party, but Rebecca needed a "wing woman". She just broke up with her boyfriend Jack and wanted to go to a party her cousin told her about. Some celebrity was hosting it. She begged and begged so I gave in and said yes, but I told her that I would dress myself because knowing her she would want to doll me up. What is wrong with wearing a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers? It was going to be a pool party apparently but I decided not to wear a bikini. I decided to dress in a pair of new jeans that I bought the other day, a red tank top and a loose cardigan. I put my hair up in a bun with some hoop earrings and my high tops. I was not going to dress like some slutty girls that I know will be at this party. Obviously if a celebrity was hosting it then there would be women with the skimpiest bikinis and wanting to show practically everything. The celebrity whoever was hosting this knew he would be loving it, having a female buffet out in front of him and wanting to sleep with at least 5 women tonight. Male celebrities have no decency whatsoever.

I had the better car so Rebecca had asked if I could drive. She owned a pretty beat up Honda, and I owned a new Range Rover, I don't really mind to drive I actually love it.

"Don't tell me you wearing that?" I turned and Rebecca was looking at me over her sunglasses.

"Shut up about my clothes and lets go." I said grabbing my sunglasses and keys.

"Alright whatever, if no guy hits on you then you know why." She said tossing her bag over her shoulder.

"I'm only going because you asked me." I said and we headed out of her drive way.


About an hour later we arrived at this huge ass mansion, wow whoever lived here was lucky and their was a valet. Rebecca and I get out of the car and the valet directed us to the front.

"Damn this house is tight, I cant wait to meet some hot guys." Rebecca said already excited.

Sure I was excited, but mostly because I was going back to work next week. This was a boring and lonely summer, my best friend other than Rebecca was junk food and Netflix.

"Yeah its pretty big." I said while walking through the doors.

"Hello ladies, champagne?" A man looking like a butler offered us some.

"Yes please!" Rebecca took too glasses and handed me one.

"Thank You." I said both to Rebecca and the butler looking guy.

"May I see your invitation ladies, Mr. Khleo Thomas was extremely strict about this party since the last one wasn't all that...good." We needed and invitation? I looked at Rebecca already grabbing out an envelope.

"Here you go, I'm Rebecca and this is Jesse." Rebecca said.

"You may enter ladies, Thank You and enjoy." The man said. I took a few sips of my champagne because I already knew it was going to be a long night. The party we went to the other day Rebecca got completely wasted and went home with some stranger, so this glass of champagne will be my only drink. Sure we were both 22 years old but I wouldn't do that. Yeah she was the more exciting friend I guess. In High School everyone looked at us completely amazed that we were friends. Rebecca was the "crazy" one, and I was the "innocent" one. I was innocent, very innocent. I'm 22 years old and I never had had sex. Sure I had had a few boyfriends but I never felt any connections with them. The closest they ever got was touching my boobs. The only not so innocent things I had done was get my belly button pierced and I had a few tattoos that you couldn't really see.

"Oh my goodness, I cant wait to see Khleo Thomas! " Rebecca's said.

"Who is he?" I asked I had no idea who she was talking about.

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