Marriage Law

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Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to JKR. All situations are mine. No $$$ is being made from this fanfic.


Chapter 1 ~ An Unwanted Engagement

The Marriage Law had to be the stupidest idea the Ministry had come out with in many a year. Professor Snape was not thrilled when Albus cornered him and informed him he would have to make yet another sacrifice for the greater good and marry Hermione Granger to keep her out of the Dark Lord’s clutches. She was still seventeen, but her eighteenth birthday was fast coming up and every single petition for her hand was made by known deatheaters.

“But Albus, for all intents and purposes I am a deatheater too, so my marrying Miss Granger won’t afford her any more protection than if she were to marry a loyal deatheater,” Severus said, frowning at the Headmaster.

“Not so, Severus. Since you work for me, the Dark Lord will find it best that she be left alone in order to keep your cover. He knows if anything happens to Miss Granger, you will become suspect. As much as he would like to get his hands on her, your place at Hogwarts is much more important,” the Headmaster said.

The Potions Master scowled. He did not want to do this, but knew arguing with the Headmaster would get him nowhere. Once Albus had a plan in mind, it was cemented in place.

“Of course this is meant to be a marriage in name only, Albus, correct?” Severus asked. He had no interest in bedding little Miss Know-It-All. He already had several women who visited him regularly, all of whom would not be pleased with this development.

“Yes, Severus,” Albus replied, “If that’s the way you and Miss Granger want it.” The Headmaster’s eyes twinkled merrily. Severus didn’t like that twinkle at all.

“Of course, she will have to stay in your domicile, Severus. I will add several rooms so you can live in comfort and relative privacy from each other. Another bedroom, bathroom and small kitchen for Miss Gra…I mean Mrs. Snape,” Albus said.

“A kitchen?” Severus said, frowning. Even he didn’t have a kitchen. He had to count on meals prepared by house elves. He was quite a good cook. Hmm. Well, since she was going to use his name, he was going to use her kitchen. At least that was one small benefit.

“Yes, Miss Granger likes to cook. I feel it might make the transition easier,” the Headmaster said, drumming his fingers on his desk. He looked at the Potions Master. “I don’t believe you will have to stay married to Miss Granger for long, Severus. Already protests are happening all over the wizarding world. The Ministry has gone too far. The Marriage Law will be overturned shortly, then the marriages can be dissolved if both parties agree.”

“I guarantee you, Headmaster, Miss Granger and I will be the first couple on the Ministry steps when that day comes,” Severus replied.

Albus raised his eyebrows.

“As you say, Severus,” the Headmaster responded, a slight smirk on his face.

“How does Miss Granger feel about the upcoming nuptials?” the Potions Master asked.

“Er…well…I don’t rightly know, Severus. I haven’t told her yet,” Albus admitted, playing with the sleeve of his robe.

“You haven’t told her yet?” Severus said, looking at the Headmaster incredulously. “Gods, Albus…you are making all these plans for her and the girl doesn’t know?”

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