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Chapter 8 ~ Making Things Clear

When Hermione walked into the common room of Gryffindor Tower, she was in a kind of daze. Ginny was sitting on the windowsill, looking out of it across the school grounds. No one else was about. Hermione saw her friend and walked over to her.

“Hi, Ginny,” Hermione said rather hollowly.

Ginny turned a little startled. She thought she was alone. She looked at Hermione.

“Wow, Hermione, you look even hotter than you did yesterday. The boys are going to be falling at your feet and worshipping you,” she said, smiling at the witch as she looked her over with approval.

“Yeah,” Hermione said absently. She looked at Ginny sort of blankly. Ginny frowned.

“Hermione, what’s wrong?” she asked.

Hermione looked at the red-haired witch.

“Two things,” she said, “First, I’m pretty sure that Lucius Malfoy wants to fuck me, and expects me to let him do it, and secondly, I noticed something attractive about my husband,” Hermione replied.

“Lucius Malfoy! Gods, Hermione…he’s the hottest wizard in the wizarding world,” the young witch breathed. “How do you know?”

Hermione looked at Ginny. She couldn’t tell her about Severus being a deatheater and how the deatheaters often shared their wives with one another.

“Just by the way he talked to me, he didn’t exactly say it, but I could see it in his eyes,” Hermione said.

“I’d fuck him in a minute if he asked me,” Ginny said, “He’s gorgeous. Built. Sexy…”

Hermione frowned at her.

“But he’s cruel, Ginny. He would hurt you,” she said to the witch.

“I don’t care…it would still be good,” Ginny retorted.

Hermione didn’t think so. Severus didn’t say exactly what Lucius would do, but Hermione thought it was far beyond rough sex. The Potions Master said she could never be prepared for what Lucius Malfoy would do. He looked so concerned and worried, Hermione believed him.

“Well, he gave me the creeping flummoxes, Ginny. I don’t care how handsome he is. I don’t want him near me,” Hermione replied, shuddering.

“No accounting for taste,” Ginny said, changing the subject, her eyes widening with interest, “So, what did you find attractive about your husband?”

Hermione looked out the window for a moment, thinking about the Professor looking down at her.

“His eyes. They really are beautiful. So dark. When he looked at me a little while ago, I felt…I felt…well, I don’t know what I felt except that his eyes could maybe swallow me up,” she said, then she looked at Ginny, “Does that make me sound like an idiot?”

Ginny shook her head.

“No, it makes you sound like you are paying attention to the wizard you married. If you look further, you’ll see other things about him, too. Take a good look at his hands next time. And just listen to his voice…not what he says, but what he sounds like…then imagine what he could sound like if he were saying other things…whispering to you…saying dirty things…”

“Ginny!” Hermione said, “Snap out of it!”

Ginny’s glazed eyes reverted to normal.

“What?” she asked as she looked at Hermione, who had her hands on her hips.

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