chapter 1: blank

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I awoken with a jolt, gasping for air, I looked around at my surroundings, it looked like I was in some sort of metal room, complete with a bathroom, at least they (whoever they are) allowed me to have that. I took a short walk to the mirror and looked at myself, I was a teenage boy, about 16 years old, I had brown hair and blue eyes, of course that was the only thing I know about myself, that and my name, it was Jake Orion, but the other parts of my life were a blur, why couldn't I remember anything else, why was I here

All soilders please report to armery

Ow, what was that noise, the door to my room opened and I stepped outside, I followed a group of people who were being directed by a moving, glowing line on the floor, while walking I took in more of where I was, there were different rooms, each accompanied by one singular person, which I guess that makes sense, considering how there was only one bathroom there would be some kind roommate trouble. I entered a room full of clear tubes, people seemed to go in and come back out wearing really high tech armor, whoever owned this place is really going all out, without watching where I was going I ran into something and fell right on the floor

Chrono soldier #1: watch where your going soldier

Jake: I'm sorry

Woah wait a moment, is that what my voice sounds like, it sounds so high yet so low, like it's about to crack

Chrono soldier #1: get moving, you should be on your way to the S chambers

S chambers, I had no idea what that was but I better do as he says, something tells me that I wouldn't want to mess with him, I got up off the floor and went on my way, my eyes darted in every direction, hundreds wearing that same battle armor, the only difference was that each armor had a letter on it, ranging from A to Z, finally I spotted the entrance to the S chambers, I went in and saw five tubes, one for each person I thought, and I spotted my tube, strange that it had my name on it, but that one dude told me to hurry so I made haste, stepping into my tube, the door closed behind me

Jake: okay, what the heck is going on here?

Suddenly robotic arms popped out of the walls, holding some sort of piece of equipment, attaching those pieces to me, when they were finished I was wearing that battle suit that the other people had on, I was staring out of my helmet, it resembled a screen, so these things have an artificial intelligence installed inside, well this was a surprise

D.A.N.I.E.L: greets, I am D.A.N.I.E.L, your digital assistant nano infused Ethernet lifeform

Jake: uuhh, hello?

D.A.N.I.E.L: please hold still

Just then bright lights shined in my eyes

Jake: ow brightness, oh wow that is very bright

D.A.N.I.E.L: my mistake sir, you must still be recovering from your sleep, however your reaction time was impeccable, I do believe you are ready

Ready!? Ready for what? The door to my tube opened and I emerged from it, then the other four opened revealing 4 others, words appeared on my helmet screen

D.A.N.I.E.L: I would recommend reading the words on your screen sir

Jake: ok? "Forward march"?

The four other men moved out of the S chambers, I followed along, wondering just where we were going, finally we stopped in a line with the other soldiers, what were we just standing around for, what were we waiting for, then there were footsteps, they were loud footsteps, I tried to see who was coming, but the other people's heads were in my way, whoever was making that noise, they stopped in front of us


everyone: SIR YES SIR

Now that really caught my attention, whoever that was, he obviously knows a lot, and if my hunch was right, he had the answers I was looking for, but I'll think about that later, the others are moving

battle-verse | episode 1: world of the forgottenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora